Hi Guys and Gals, I'm Edgar, an Old-School Audio/Electronics/VLF Natural
Radio kinda' guy. I'm mostly into VLF these days, but that stuff
all happens at Audio Frequency, very low level, so I'm building better
low-noise, high gain amplification than ever before!
Music reproduction and Audio Electronics was my first love, so I
still dabble and create audio stuff, too. Here's a You Tube link to a
Technics SA-350 Restoration/VLF Retrofit that I've recently done.
YouTube - Tech SA-350 VLF Prt 1.mp4
The LM3886's idled too warm with the stock heat sink and +/-42v
power supply, so I took 2 used 20.5v, 123va toroidal transformers, a
couple new Nichicon 15,000uf, 35v electrolytics and built a very nice,
stiff +/-33v supply for that SA-350. I should be posting the video of
that power supply tweak job in a couple weeks or so.
This forum looks to be a really cool place for an old technogeek
like me to hang out in, so I hope we have fun!
Radio kinda' guy. I'm mostly into VLF these days, but that stuff
all happens at Audio Frequency, very low level, so I'm building better
low-noise, high gain amplification than ever before!
Music reproduction and Audio Electronics was my first love, so I
still dabble and create audio stuff, too. Here's a You Tube link to a
Technics SA-350 Restoration/VLF Retrofit that I've recently done.
YouTube - Tech SA-350 VLF Prt 1.mp4
The LM3886's idled too warm with the stock heat sink and +/-42v
power supply, so I took 2 used 20.5v, 123va toroidal transformers, a
couple new Nichicon 15,000uf, 35v electrolytics and built a very nice,
stiff +/-33v supply for that SA-350. I should be posting the video of
that power supply tweak job in a couple weeks or so.
This forum looks to be a really cool place for an old technogeek
like me to hang out in, so I hope we have fun!
Thanks, Howdy Back
Thanks for the welcome, Thomas! I lived in Smyrna and my 'sis still does.
I'm on disability, so it's gonna' take nearly forever to get another vehicle,
so I'm having as much fun as I can with VLF, Audio, Electronics, internet,
and going to church in Smyrna whenever 'sis and her hubby can give me a
ride. I'm looking forward to some good interaction here, learning some,
and teaching some. Looks cool to me!
Howdy Edgar - and Welcome to diyAudio!!!
Just another old fart hanging around - I'm down in Smyrna - just a short trip on the 840.
It's good to see another Tennessee kid having some fun with something other than 4x4 trucks 'n shotguns!!!
Regards - Thomas
Thanks for the welcome, Thomas! I lived in Smyrna and my 'sis still does.
I'm on disability, so it's gonna' take nearly forever to get another vehicle,
so I'm having as much fun as I can with VLF, Audio, Electronics, internet,
and going to church in Smyrna whenever 'sis and her hubby can give me a
ride. I'm looking forward to some good interaction here, learning some,
and teaching some. Looks cool to me!
Thanks for the welcome, Roushon.
This is to welcome you from the other side of the planet. Look forward to learn from
Thanks for the welcome, Roushon.
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