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How to order TLSEII board

The ordering info page does not yet have the information on the TSE-II board. I do have plenty of the new boards. They are larger than the original TSE board and have a gold finish, so they are priced at $40. All other info is the same as before.

The TSE-II build information is being collected and organized currently and should be ready in January. I tried a new technique for shooting the pictures in an attempt to make things go faster, but it turned out to be a disaster, so I will build another board and try again, but it won't happen until early January.

Almost two years ago I agreed to be one of the "responsible grandparents" with a fairly large group of Girl Scouts and siblings trip to Disney World in Florida....That time has come, we leave on Sunday, return Dec 30.....what was I thinking.

As with most of my travels I will bring boards and shipping supplies so that boards will be continuously available.