How to deal with migraines?

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Sinus Buster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pepper spray up your nose. Stop a headache before it snowballs.
Especially when you've taken all the medication you safely can,
and desperate to try ANYTHING more you can stack.

This stuff isn't really even all that potent. I've shoved peppers
before it came in this convenient (and consistent dosing) spray.

Whole peppers too variable. Nothing or Nuclear. Pay you money,
take you chances. When you need them most, you aren't really
thinking too straight about the risk.

I used to get one sided cluster headaches, maybe not same as
a migraine.

There's supposed to be a new version enhanced with horseradish.
I don't know if I'm ready for that step...
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this is codswallop. fortunately.

No, it's the truth. Unfortunately. Any chemical relaxant disrupts natural abilities to relax. Even herbal ones, like Valerian root for example, if systematically taken as seductive, or sleep aid. Like the more the person rides in a wheelchair, the less trained are leg muscles. However, it is not so good analogy, because nervous and endocrine system learns faster and remembers better.
I agree with Wavebourn on this one, Alcohol really screwed me up for quite a while until I relearnt how to relax again and kicked the alcheyhol for good.

What helped me relax again was chocolate, and junk food, and coke cola, good friends, and good music/tv shows, and I've kicked the junk food now too, cept for once a fortnight when I splurge a little to keep me sane.
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yes, its an endless cycle that I am glad to have broken.

Living in australia doesn't make it easier though, I cannot get good salmon from the supermarket and will probably have to spend a lot of money at a fish market inorder to get the proper stuff.

And good luck not paying through the nose for good ingredients.

The salmon that they sell at the supermarket is horrible and smelly, you have to cook it until its really smelly before its safe to eat.

The common practice is then to put salt, pepper, and butter or margarine ontop.

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Its now cheaper to live in the UK than it is in Australia by all accounts, check out the commentary on the british ex-pat forums for evidence of this on the huge swarms of people coming to Australia, becoming broke, fed up, then going back to the UK.

Schooling is more expensive, as is many other things, its not 'free' when you have to buy $500 worth of books.

How to Integrate into Australian Way of Life
What British expats find annoying about Australia -

2x to 3x the cost of ANYTHING from Oreos/Coke Cola to flatscreen tv sets the price that it is in the US, EVEN THOUGH we have a 1:1 ratio on our dollar with the US one!?!?!?!!

Anything good is put on the shelves, then taken off again 6 months later on, then they claim that "it didn't sell so we removed it"

Yes there is variety at the Deli, but be expected to pay $28 (AUD) for 1 kilo of shitty grade Salmon, and that is the LOWEST that you can get it, so compare that to Tesco salmon from the UK which is $15 (AUD) and you get the idea.

The cost of petrol compared to what it is in the US, is dreadful, we pay: $5.48 per gallon here, and thats a low figure and there is no regulation so there is 2 retailers pushing up the price of the market and cornering it, government is doing **** all about it as usual.

There is no end in sight either as the government is pushing for a carbon tax aswell on the price of electricity (which is coal powered)
I pay this much: (in AUD)
50c/kWh Peak
22c/kWh Shoulder
11c/kWh Offpeak.

And this is the cheapest plan in the entire of NSW, and they are trying to force us onto a flatrate 22c/kWh plan just so they can make /even/ more money!

I blame Howard, but really, nobody gives a toss about any of these issues in Australia?

Thats as far off topic as I'm going to take it.
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Diesel in the UK costs Aus$ 9.63 per imperial gallon or $2.14 per L.

Enough to give you headaches. (See how neatly I got this back on topic? ;-))

Yes well don't tell the moderator but yes living here is giving me a headache :p

diesel is $5.59 (AUD) on average.

Its not going to stay this low for very long neither.

The cost of petrol is no doubt higher in the UK, but you guys don't need to drive as far as we do neither.

4102.0 - Australian Social Trends, 2006

In 2003–04, households spent, on average, just under half (49%) of their total weekly expenditure on food, housing and transport.

tack on a 50% (effective) tax rate to that and you can see how things are strict.

2012-13 Commonwealth Budget - Budget at a Glance

Wesfarmers and Woolworths control Groceries,Petrol and Beer prices,no surprise why the cost of living has increased.Add to that major contributing factor we have a Govt that wants to slug us with a carbon tax that the majority of us don't want, and lets not forget that Gutless body of people the ACCC who allow these two companys to price fix and price gouge there way to huge profits at our expense.
Over here all of the private petrol distributors went belly up and they were bought out by the two largest shopping companies, or were forced out of buisness by a petrol station across the street (owned by woolworths/coles).
Interest rates have increased. Electricity and fuel have skyrocketed. Because electricity and fuel have gone up EVERYTHING else has gone up, meat, fish, fruit and veg, groceries, services because these people must pass on their increase in prices. How much more can households take??? All this and the science does not even support human caused climate change.
'nuff said. All of the smart meters over here don't have accommodation for offpeak hot water either, and the sellers who go door to door don't even tell you that they are going to install a smart meter until its too late.

Speaking of until its too late, imagine adsl2 with a 5 or 50gb quota:
Telstra - Internet - BigPond Elite ADSL or Cable Broadband Plans

Its very very nasty behaviour that we get from corporations here, we still have quotas on our internet access, even though we are a few years from having the NBN rolled out, though the electricity company did allow me to have an extension on paying my last power bill, they were nice in that regard, but then they sent me a letter stating that they were going to send debt collectors to my house and steal my **** if I didn't pay by the due date.

That wasn't very nice of them, So I guess its a win/lose scenario. (They didn't come, I paid the bill on time)

Speaking of the NBN, this is Telstra's pricing:
Telstra - Personal Plans & Products on the NBN - Internet

A 5gb quota aye on a NBN plan?

Download line speeds into the home - up to 12Mbps (speeds slowed to 256kbps once 5GB is reached)

At least they cap it...

Mobile phones are still locked after you end your contract (you've gotta pay them to unlock it), unless its an iphone in which case you can get it unlocked for free by Apple.
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No, it's the truth. Unfortunately. Any chemical relaxant disrupts natural abilities to relax. Even herbal ones, like Valerian root for example, if systematically taken as seductive, or sleep aid. Like the more the person rides in a wheelchair, the less trained are leg muscles. However, it is not so good analogy, because nervous and endocrine system learns faster and remembers better.

It would be too depressing to believe you that it's impossible to give up alchohol with no choice but to be dependent on another chemical. So I won't believe you. I will put down your experience to one where it isn't possible to cold turkey but after some intermediate steps you can eventually be free of chemical dependency.
It would be too depressing to believe you that it's impossible to give up alchohol with no choice but to be dependent on another chemical. So I won't believe you. I will put down your experience to one where it isn't possible to cold turkey but after some intermediate steps you can eventually be free of chemical dependency.

You should believe millions of alcoholics who gave up addiction to chemicals, but found addiction to meditations. And you have to believe millions of alcoholics who tried to give up cold turkey without replacement. They inevitably relapsed because organisms lost skills to relax without chemicals. It is true. And even people who were 10 or more years sober after first draft relapsed. Because as soon as organism learned the skill to relax with chemicals, it won't give it up. Even after years of meditation and sobriety a single drink returns everything back. Tension grows up until "Fly-Or-Fight" reaction happens, impossible to control by mind. Then the mind follows the reaction searching for the logical ways to explain why it happened.

Necessity to meditate every day is not depressing. It is relaxing, leads to real happiness. I know alcoholics who call themselves, "Grateful alcoholics". Thanks to alcohol they found new spiritual life. :)

If you are curious are you alcoholic or not yet, try not to touch alcohol at least half an year. And no sleeping pills and other chemical relaxants! Then see what happens...
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I believe I can avoid alcohol for 6 months without problem except social limitations as I already drink very little at all. But I don't believe I could go very long without other things (hobbies, nice food, music, comfortable home, healthy family and I do meditate in different ways) that allow me to relax - as you point out.

And I don't think I could go 6 months without posting on this forum - what kind of problem is that !?
Sinus Buster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pepper spray up your nose. Stop a headache before it snowballs.
Especially when you've taken all the medication you safely can,
and desperate to try ANYTHING more you can stack.

This stuff isn't really even all that potent. I've shoved peppers
before it came in this convenient (and consistent dosing) spray.

Whole peppers too variable. Nothing or Nuclear. Pay you money,
take you chances. When you need them most, you aren't really
thinking too straight about the risk.

I used to get one sided cluster headaches, maybe not same as
a migraine.

There's supposed to be a new version enhanced with horseradish.
I don't know if I'm ready for that step...

Here's my collection.


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