How should I go about running S/PDIF for 10m?

I'm not quite sure how to approach this. I have an S/PDIF output from my home theater PC which is currently optical, but obtaining TTL level or a 0.5v coaxial output wouldn't be a problem.

How can I send the signal 10m without it degrading? Would 10m of digital coax be fine or should I look at using some sort of balanced signal? I'll be sending both raw PCM and Dolby Digital data down the line...

Cheers all,
- J
75 ohm coax is an RF transmission line (truly a Beautiful Thing) - theoretically lossless, though in the real world you do need to worry about ohmic losses in the copper. Of course, this only comes into play at distances far greater than 10m, so its' nothing to worry about. With longer cable lengths, i'd be more careful to make sure the termination impedence is 75ohms. RG-59 cable is what you want - the same stuff you wire cable TV with (quite cheap in bulk). Add some BNCs, and you're in business!
75 ohm coax is an RF transmission line (truly a Beautiful Thing) - theoretically lossless, though in the real world you do need to worry about ohmic losses in the copper. Of course, this only comes into play at distances far greater than 10m, so its' nothing to worry about. With longer cable lengths, i'd be more careful to make sure the termination impedence is 75ohms. RG-59 cable is what you want - the same stuff you wire cable TV with (quite cheap in bulk). Add some BNCs, and you're in business!

I did this years ago with left over cable TV Cable. Connected RCA's at either end and connected to my Audio Alchemy Stuff and WHALLA! Presto! It worked.