What will be, in your opinion, the “best” amplifier to be used for either studio or sound reinforcement?
What are you impressed by?
How important numbers are?
Without listening at it, how will you know if this amplifier will have a great sound (if you think that numbers are not important)?
If numbers are important, what are the most significant numbers (and why are they)?
Thank you for your opinion.
Best regards
What will be, in your opinion, the “best” amplifier to be used for either studio or sound reinforcement?
What are you impressed by?
How important numbers are?
Without listening at it, how will you know if this amplifier will have a great sound (if you think that numbers are not important)?
If numbers are important, what are the most significant numbers (and why are they)?
Thank you for your opinion.
Best regards
Litening Test
Hi Yuri,
I have only one criterion and that is how the amplifier <B>SOUNDS</B> in my system!😉
Hi Yuri,
I have only one criterion and that is how the amplifier <B>SOUNDS</B> in my system!😉
System Listening Test
Elso, my criterion is how the SYSTEM sounds with 'that' amplifier. 😉 - sort of similar thing.Elso Kwak said:Hi Yuri, I have only one criterion and that is how the amplifier <B>SOUNDS</B> in my system!😉
taking over this forum?
trying to probe us?
promoting your amps?
feel free to answer!!
taking over this forum?
trying to probe us?
promoting your amps?
feel free to answer!!
PSS AUDIO said:What will be, in your opinion, the “best” amplifier to be used for either studio or sound reinforcement?
For sound reinforcement, i'd go with something i know sounds good, is close to bulletproof, and is easy to fix if it does break -- Bryston.
for studio work there is more flexibility. Probably a combo of SS & Tubes, choosen to match the speakers (multi-amped) and sound good.
What are you impressed by?
What it sounds like.
How important numbers are?
Sometimes the numbers will give you an idea. The problem is that often the numbers do not correlate to real world. For instance, without knowing the distribution of harmonics, a single number for harmonic distortion is useless, and often a number that is lower means an amp that doesn'tsound as good.
Without listening at it, how will you know if this amplifier will have a great sound (if you think that numbers are not important)?
You can't.
If numbers are important, what are the most significant numbers (and why are they)?
The typical numbers given out are usually not significant. For instance, power is rated RMS into 8 ohms. But what does the amp do into a real speaker -- i have experienced 200 W amps that audibly clip before 20 W amps. But a number like full power into an 8 ohm load in parallel with a 2 uF cap is a good sign that the manufacturer is thinking about stability so that is one that would give you an idea.
What are you impressed by?
Without listening at it, how will you know if this amplifier will have a great sound (if you think that numbers are not important)?
I look at the top cover. If I can stand on it and it doesn't bend under my weight, I have every reason to believe that the amp is build solidly and it may sound good as well. But it's just me.😉
Peter Daniel said:Here is a good example.😉
Has that been built or is it still just a computer graphic? (a pretty good one too).
Re: Re: How do you make up your mind while choosing a quality power amplifier?
Do you test tube amps the same? Be kinda messy :^)
Peter Daniel said:I look at the top cover. If I can stand on it and it doesn't bend under my weight, I have every reason to believe that the amp is build solidly and it may sound good as well. But it's just me.😉
Do you test tube amps the same? Be kinda messy :^)
The amp I posted is Master Reference Amplifier from Krell.
And I never tested tube equipment yet.😉
And I never tested tube equipment yet.😉
Hi Peter,
I was going to accuse you of being a CAD wiz until I seen the fold lines in the image. It looks like the model for the (in)famous Potter/Pass A75's.😉
Rodd Yamas***a
I was going to accuse you of being a CAD wiz until I seen the fold lines in the image. It looks like the model for the (in)famous Potter/Pass A75's.😉
Rodd Yamas***a
The heatsinks look similar, but the number of output devices doesn't much. I saw that picture tonight and couldn't resist not to post it. The number of devices is really impressive. But I was expecting more power. It's only 1000W into 8 ohms.
The caps have printed Black Gate at the very top.😉
The heatsinks look similar, but the number of output devices doesn't much. I saw that picture tonight and couldn't resist not to post it. The number of devices is really impressive. But I was expecting more power. It's only 1000W into 8 ohms.
The caps have printed Black Gate at the very top.😉
taking over this forum?
trying to probe us?
promoting your amps?
feel free to answer!!
I just wished to know what people think about numbers and if they think that there is any relation between numbers and sound quality!
I personally think that numbers has no meaning, not even the rated output power of an amplifier (build a 100W amplifier, one with a 200VA transformer and 20 000MF capacitors and the "same" amplifier with an 800VA transformer and 60 000MF capacitors. They will not sound the same and they have the same numbers).
Best regards
I can see where some people may be offended by this and the other thread that you have significant input in. In the other thread, you have included what seems to be quotes from your advertising literature. This thread was started as a marketing survey. This certianly crosses over into what might be considered spam. It's a plus that you have at least included your name here, but you haven't in the other thread.
IMHO there needs to be a stronger connection to DIY audio in your approach to your questions and replies. This is particularly true for people, like yourself, who clearly represent a commercial concern (and even more so because your company manufacturers amps).
I'm sure the moderators are on the fence about whether to pull these threads. I not sure if they should. There is hope for you, but you should be more forthcoming with the information to the DIY community. You could be a valued contributor to this forum, but instead, your just plugging your products and pumping us for marketing info.
I usually do not participate in surveys, but if you were to give your opinions on the matter, I may give mine in response.😉
Rodd Yamas***a
I can see where some people may be offended by this and the other thread that you have significant input in. In the other thread, you have included what seems to be quotes from your advertising literature. This thread was started as a marketing survey. This certianly crosses over into what might be considered spam. It's a plus that you have at least included your name here, but you haven't in the other thread.
IMHO there needs to be a stronger connection to DIY audio in your approach to your questions and replies. This is particularly true for people, like yourself, who clearly represent a commercial concern (and even more so because your company manufacturers amps).
I'm sure the moderators are on the fence about whether to pull these threads. I not sure if they should. There is hope for you, but you should be more forthcoming with the information to the DIY community. You could be a valued contributor to this forum, but instead, your just plugging your products and pumping us for marketing info.
I usually do not participate in surveys, but if you were to give your opinions on the matter, I may give mine in response.😉
Rodd Yamas***a
Hi Rod,
I'm not pumping anybody for any marketing info!
It is true, as a manufacturer, I am interested in your reaction to numbers.
Let me remind you that I already wrote that I do not trust in numbers and I gave several examples!
When you speak with some consumers, they say so different things about how they make up their mind (not only buying amplifiers) that it can be a great learning for us, manufacturers, to read and perhaps learn from "all" of you, your deep thoughts!
I placed some information out of our web site, not make any direct adverting, but to give an overview of our next plans!
Out of those, everybody can react and give his opinion.
What can everybody can read at the time being, is that the best of judges is the ear!
I also wrote that somewhere else…
If you read other threads, some are fighting as mad about the fact if the DF ‘damping factor) is important or not (I just think it is not for several reasons)!
Best regards
I'm not pumping anybody for any marketing info!
It is true, as a manufacturer, I am interested in your reaction to numbers.
Let me remind you that I already wrote that I do not trust in numbers and I gave several examples!
When you speak with some consumers, they say so different things about how they make up their mind (not only buying amplifiers) that it can be a great learning for us, manufacturers, to read and perhaps learn from "all" of you, your deep thoughts!
I placed some information out of our web site, not make any direct adverting, but to give an overview of our next plans!
Out of those, everybody can react and give his opinion.
What can everybody can read at the time being, is that the best of judges is the ear!
I also wrote that somewhere else…
If you read other threads, some are fighting as mad about the fact if the DF ‘damping factor) is important or not (I just think it is not for several reasons)!
Best regards
Must Be Pleasant
Guys, I say lay off Yuri - he is asking perfectly reasonable questions. (but no more yelling at the keyboard ok Yuri ?)
He is trying to guage what sounds good to the most of us, and how so - like different distortions and other characteristics that combine to yield a well regarded amplifier.
Except for Dave no one has really answered you.
My experience is that different amplifier applications require different orders of priorities.
For pro useage, indications (clip, temp, fault) and comprehensive protections (thermal, shorted load, fault) are mandatory really.
Clip indication is needed on domestic/audiophile gear imo.
Of course one of the overriding factors is the nature of the sound of the amplifier under all conditions and very important is the sound under high level/momentary clipping passages.
Also how the amplifier changes with different sources, cables and loads - a clean and source/load invariant amplifier is the objective.
Any added HD spectrum is important especially in the higher order harmonics - even though these are usually very low level they add a disproportionately strong sonic character.
Lack of IMD is mission critical especially at levels up around clipping, and this is the strongest like/tolerate/hate component to my ears.
Once you have achieved this you can modify some things (tune it)and bend the sound to get a characteristic that appeals to the appropriate ears.
Regards, Eric.
Guys, I say lay off Yuri - he is asking perfectly reasonable questions. (but no more yelling at the keyboard ok Yuri ?)
He is trying to guage what sounds good to the most of us, and how so - like different distortions and other characteristics that combine to yield a well regarded amplifier.
Except for Dave no one has really answered you.
My experience is that different amplifier applications require different orders of priorities.
For pro useage, indications (clip, temp, fault) and comprehensive protections (thermal, shorted load, fault) are mandatory really.
Clip indication is needed on domestic/audiophile gear imo.
Of course one of the overriding factors is the nature of the sound of the amplifier under all conditions and very important is the sound under high level/momentary clipping passages.
Also how the amplifier changes with different sources, cables and loads - a clean and source/load invariant amplifier is the objective.
Any added HD spectrum is important especially in the higher order harmonics - even though these are usually very low level they add a disproportionately strong sonic character.
Lack of IMD is mission critical especially at levels up around clipping, and this is the strongest like/tolerate/hate component to my ears.
Once you have achieved this you can modify some things (tune it)and bend the sound to get a characteristic that appeals to the appropriate ears.
Regards, Eric.
Hi pss audio..🙂
I have known about your amps. for quite sometime...the dc offset and soa protection circuits are suspect i fear....
There are a few other significant niggles to my mind at least, but i think these are covered comprehensively in D. Self's book:
'audio power amplifier handbook'..third edition.
Michael 🙂
I have known about your amps. for quite sometime...the dc offset and soa protection circuits are suspect i fear....
There are a few other significant niggles to my mind at least, but i think these are covered comprehensively in D. Self's book:
'audio power amplifier handbook'..third edition.
Michael 🙂
i feel that your amps are much better than qsc usa series amps.i have some installations with qsc das crown c-audio.the one which sounds the best is c-audio pulse.das is okay for the price.allround prize goes to your amps.
yugaaa said:i feel that your amps are much better than qsc usa series amps.i have some installations with qsc das crown c-audio.the one which sounds the best is c-audio pulse.das is okay for the price.allround prize goes to your amps.
Have you hasd a chance to try out the Brystons?
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