How do I know the best speaker for an enclosure?

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I'm planning on building (just as this point) a subwoofer for my car and I'm doing some research into making one.

I'm a bit confused on a subject. I heard that there's multiple enclosure designs and there's a few set "golden" equations, however, as long as I follow one of those equations, with a sealed cab, will the speaker need to be matched with the enclosure (as long as it's a sealed cab oriented sub speaker).

I know that with ports you need to have the cab set for a freq that works with the speaker and whatnot, but do you have to do that with a sealed enclosure?

Sort of. There is no correct enclosure size for a sealed woofer until you decide what you want the Q to be. You probably don't want the Q to be less than .5 nor more than 1. I prefer .7 or lower.

You should ask the woofer vendor for recommended enclosure sizes. You will probably find this info on their web site.
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