How can i put a car subwoofer in my room

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I want to put a car subwoofer in my room but I am at a loss on how to do it. I installed them in my car but that seems to be completely different than putting them in my room. So I am wondering if anyone could possibly explain how to hook up a car subwoofer in my room and what I would need to do that?
Im also just now building a active subwoofer using old Pioneer car woofer. Box and the amplifier (Leach amp 4.5 inside box) is already ready, it remains to assemble everything together and complete the painting of box. Then tell how it all turn out ;)
You need a rather powerfull mono amp and active two way filter around 80/100hz.
Plate amps do all.
This kind of speaker have parameters allowing to mount them in small boxes, closed or vented. Closed boxes though going not so low than vented , sound better and are simpler to build.
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Of course, plate AMPS is cheaper and easier to integrate. But I like the DIY process - the creation of PCBs, soldering, cabinet making. Then I will compare the sounds produced by my factory subwoofer which I use now with sound and of the DIY subwoofer( made of all available in the garage :D).
LM 3875 sounds very nice for me. It uses two 100VA transformers (2x24V AC). 8x2 MUR diodes, and two RIFA white big caps (15 000uf @ 40V) . Non inverting config (minimal gaincard style). I use it with 8 ohm speakers. Very cool operation during normal listening.
LM 1875 - build as design element - non inverting config +- the same like 3875, never used for long listening (just few hours), but IMHO LM3875 sounds better or my speakers are too big for LM 1875.
For everyday use my choice between F5 or Leach depending on ny mood - LM was built for test purposes in order to understand is they really so good like described in internet. They are good really - i will buy some shelf speakers for LM amps. :)
to not go offtopic, here is some pics of my DIY sub progress.


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