am assuming sealed cabinet rather than huge cabinet that effectively loads the woofer with atmospheric pressure?
That makes senseThe energy of a .39 Qts motor means the cone can largely be immune to limited 'box volume' allowing for...
This 'kind of' reminds me of the JBL Paragon, where a piece of audio equipment becomes an actual part of the living room 😉Here's an example. It is my own installation done in 2009. It's built into a jutted out corner with a closet behind it. The closet space is just under 500 cubic feet. It is obviously not portable. It has not been "decorated" as I don't have to follow any sort of WAF. Although, it could be and it should be if the owner/installer wishes to have boat loads of fun. These are Acoustic Elegance drivers custom built for me by John. These exact divers are no longer available. The Fs is 16Hz, the Qt is 0.7 The limit in response is dictated by the size of the room. My room is not HUGE, but it is above average. Essentially 19x21 The quality of the bass simply has no peer, but very few folks will pursue this sort of installation, as it becomes part of the house.View attachment 1333304View attachment 1333304