high performance 25W PowerAmp

Exhumation of the corpse requested
L. Stellema meets Steve's Krill

What if' the IPS-VAS combination were aligned as follows?
We could simply add a really good diamond buffer at the end, as in the "Krill example", couldn't we?



The day before yesterday I stumbled across an article by L. Stellema (University of Sydney, Department of Aeronautical Engineering & Electrical Engineering).
Published in September 1980, it's a pretty well-designed hi-fi amplifier with impressive specifications.

in advance
the final stage of the small, clever amplifier - All transistors are mounted on a common heat sink!
Exhumation of the corpse requested
L. Stellema meets Steve's Krill

What if' the IPS-VAS combination were aligned as follows?
We could simply add a really good diamond buffer at the end, as in the "Krill example", couldn't we?


View attachment 1316682


This VAS topology is weird since you can switch off the BC327only if its emitter resistance has enough voltage drop
because otherwise you ll need to saturate the 2SC2240, wich is not possible since its base voltage cant exceed
its collector voltage, and a big enough emitter resistance for the BC327 will eventually limit its gain while creating
an annoying frequency pole.

Now replace the 2SC2240 in the VAS by a 2SA970 in common collector and you ll get the usual enhanced VAS that
work flawlessly, in all other cases that would be an exhumation just to beat even more a decidely dead horse.