Help With Meridian Power Amp Needed

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Hi. I am trying to repair this Meridian power amp. Can anyone tell me the model number and point me towards a schematic/service manual please? Amp.html

It is a two box amp, one for ps the other for the amp. It was sounding awesome after replacing all the elco's with Black Gates. But I Removed the output transistors to clean and replace the heat transfer paste and when I reassembled it one channel's dc offset starts at 80mv and rises over a few minutes to over 1.8v.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Regards, Lee.
Hi. Yes I desoldered the output transistors, remoce the heatsink compound, added new compound and resoldered the transistors. Now one channel has an offset of 150mV and the other channel's offset rises to over 1.8v in less than a minute and keeps rising.

I thought maybe something to do with bias but wouldn't that just cause the offset to be higher or lower and not keep rising?

Am I getting thermal runaway?

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