• WARNING: Tube/Valve amplifiers use potentially LETHAL HIGH VOLTAGES.
    Building, troubleshooting and testing of these amplifiers should only be
    performed by someone who is thoroughly familiar with
    the safety precautions around high voltages.

Help with Aikido Line Stage Decision

I've built a few Aikidos.

The 12VAC setup for 12AU7s and a 18VAC power xformer:


The Octal Aikido w/ SS power supply:


and the dual mono octal Aikido with Janus PS:



I don't have any of them anymore (gave to friends) but my imperfect memory remembers the 12VAC as my favourite. Had a certain amount of liveliness to it the octal ones didn't.

But, best advice I have is build all the ones you can get your hands on and find out for yourself. No idea when John will run out of/refill stock. Get 'em while they're hot.
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6N1P will give you a voltage gain of about 15-16x. But the anode current is much higher than the 12AX7, and the heating current is twice as high, about 600mA. Otherwise, the 6N1P sound nice and are not expensive. I picked up a matched quad on ebay and have been very happy with them. For Aikido both halves of the tube should be paired.
Aikido as EL34 driver stage - good results using PCC88 for the input tube (R3,4 = 220r) and ECC82 (R6,7 560r) for the output.

Spent hours roling tubes and changing the cathod resistors as required but had the best results by far with the above combination.

Gain is about 13x and I was looking for 12-15v RMS with lowest distortion running them at 218v (no R12s fitted)

The results are v.good, with 2nd being the predominant harmonic and still well below 1% even at 19v RMS out (into 540k, at 1kHz)


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