After more then 20 years without a soldering iron, I was looking for an phono preamp. So I dropped to the pass labs web page. Since then the virus hat got me, I have build a ZEN-lite and a Zen V2. Thank you everybody for posting and answering in this forum, specially the one and only.
This weekend I’ve tried to apply the buffer of V4 to the input of V2. I could not find in Switzerland the ZVP3310 so tried with BS 250, like it was said somewhere in this forum.
The resulting sound hat more dynamics but has some kind of distortion and has lost all of his relaxed clarity.
- I did not touch the power supply, it is still the one of V2, is this a problem?
- Between drain and source of Q4 (BS250) I have only 2,15 V. When I lower R13 to 2.3 kOhm it goes up to 2,35 V. It should be at 4 V!
- When I lower R2 to 22kOhm and/or R3 to 100kOhm the sound gets a little better but only a little…
Any ideas?
This weekend I’ve tried to apply the buffer of V4 to the input of V2. I could not find in Switzerland the ZVP3310 so tried with BS 250, like it was said somewhere in this forum.
The resulting sound hat more dynamics but has some kind of distortion and has lost all of his relaxed clarity.
- I did not touch the power supply, it is still the one of V2, is this a problem?
- Between drain and source of Q4 (BS250) I have only 2,15 V. When I lower R13 to 2.3 kOhm it goes up to 2,35 V. It should be at 4 V!
- When I lower R2 to 22kOhm and/or R3 to 100kOhm the sound gets a little better but only a little…
Any ideas?
Thank you Nelson
C12 was the problem. I made it out of two twisted wires but only 3cm long, now it is 7cm long and the distortion is no longer audible.
Before I changed back R0/R1 to 0.33 for 2 amps. With my IRFP150 it sounds better…
Playing around a bit with the BS250 I thought of making an aleph cascode input stage out of them. The power supply has to be changed…
Is this possible?
C12 was the problem. I made it out of two twisted wires but only 3cm long, now it is 7cm long and the distortion is no longer audible.
Before I changed back R0/R1 to 0.33 for 2 amps. With my IRFP150 it sounds better…
Playing around a bit with the BS250 I thought of making an aleph cascode input stage out of them. The power supply has to be changed…
Is this possible?
You can cascode the front end diff pair easily, and without
any alteration to the supply.
For reference, check out the cascode amp article at or the A75 article at
BTW, the wires I use for making tiny capacitors are the
very tiny wire-wrap kind, so you get more capacitance
per centimeter. Then I make them too long and trim them
with a pair of scissors.
Some people will prefer the sound of a 150 over a 140. It
is similar to 2 140's in parallel.
any alteration to the supply.
For reference, check out the cascode amp article at or the A75 article at
BTW, the wires I use for making tiny capacitors are the
very tiny wire-wrap kind, so you get more capacitance
per centimeter. Then I make them too long and trim them
with a pair of scissors.
Some people will prefer the sound of a 150 over a 140. It
is similar to 2 140's in parallel.
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