Help me design a horn

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This thing would likely not work very well in horn, IMO.

EBP is only ~39. Horns need at least 100, the more, the merrier (though eg LABhorns get away with 56). Bl is not very good also, considering the enormous moving mass. It would probably sound pretty floppy in a horn. But the main problem is that such horn would be truly enormous in size. I would rather recommend a pair (or quartet) of LABsubs, corner loaded they would be extremely loud, clear and go well into 30-s. You can also V-couple them or augment with "barn door" extensions, a là Funktion One Infrahorn.


Joined 2003
technofreak said:
This thing would likely not work very well in horn, IMO.

EBP is only ~39. Horns need at least 100.........

Sorry, but with a low Fs and ~80 Hz mass corner its specs are quite good for an HT/music sub horn. Increasing its motor strength (lower Qe) just raises its mass corner/HF BW, which isn't required for an HT app.

I agree that multiples should be used though, so dividing such a large horn whether FL, BL or TH up into a number of smaller ones 'kills two birds with one stone', winding up with semi-reasonable sized bandpass subs that will sum good enough in-room down into the infrasonic BW where many of today's action movies have enough LFE to justify ultra low tunings.

GM said:
I agree that multiples should be used though, so dividing such a large horn whether FL, BL or TH up into a number of smaller ones 'kills two birds with one stone', winding up with semi-reasonable sized bandpass subs that will sum good enough in-room down into the infrasonic BW where many of today's action movies have enough LFE to justify ultra low tunings.


Precisely correct!
Thanks for the correction. Apparently most folks are as ignorant about the music scale as I was since I've erroneously posted it a number of times.

Ah well, that's what I get for repeating another's 'knowledge' without verifying it. :( It's four octaves below middle C (261.4 Hz based on the A = 440 Hz chart), so low C (C4) = 16.34 Hz for a 32 ft open pipe if it's diameter is big enough.

I have not built any but I have simulated several THs that indicate about 150 to 120dB at 16Hz using 15" or 18" pro drivers. I have to rechck my work though regarding radiating space. I just used the default in Horn Response without thinking about the actual environment.

Oh, these were fairly large For Example a JBL 2241H 18" With about a eight square foot mouth and 26.8' long line gives the sim attached. You can go smaller and still get good 32 foot pipe performance I think but my application is a built in (under floor or garage mount) with outlet in the corner.

Should be nice for playing the Digital Fox.


  • jbl_2241h_18_output_8mm_xmax.pdf
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MaVo said:
16hz would really need serious levels to be audible, judged from the levels a 25hz signal needs to be heard by me. A little lower and i just hear the suspensions flatter.

I had no trouble hearing 16 Hz at 120+dB (pegged the meter, so don't know how loud it was) back when I had dual SD Contrabass kits, but the downside was my house had no trouble shaking apart, literally, so sold them as I already have 16 Hz tuned cabs that do DD/DTS reference in-room, which is just barely audible as an undercurrent of all the stuff rattling around.

Best performance will come from several less expensive woofers. In a sub, especially when you use multiple ones, the woofer performance is not that critical so don't pay a lot for them. I bought four 8" woofers from MCM that look fine - total cost for four was $100. Use two per amp and I will use two per box and get great bass for next to nothing. Less than one of the drivers that you show.
ok so mutiple low end drivers gotcha....

how about some dayton classics... i hear good things about those

cheap to i could do 2 cabinets of 4 of those ^ or

or 2 cabinents of 2 of these each

kinda wanna use 15's but if smaller drivers are realllly better for this appication

how about 4 10 inch peerless woofers?

2 per cabinent

or these morels i know they make good stuff...

or these HiVi 's

im not sure what to use....

sorry im a pain the *** on the forum
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