HELP! Akai CD-93 jittering CD tray

Howdy gang,
Not quite sure of the words to describe my issue but I’ll do my best. I’ve also attached A Video Here which shows the problem in action.

The Cd player has been in my dads loft for over 20 years at least. We switched it on and when we tried to open the tray there was a jittering mechanical sound and it didn’t open at all. The belts were disintegrated so we replaced them, now the tray opens and closes smoothly. But when it closes fully, the jittering happens again.

Not sure why it’s happening.
The little switch that the end of the white plastic thing pushes when it closes does work, as if we trigger it with a toothpick before it starts moving, that part doesn’t move.

Little bit hard to describe but the video should help.

Any advice or ideas would be super appreciated as we’re at a bit of a loss of what to do next.
There is a thread within the forum that recorded fellow member @andyb1712 battle against the similar (same?) issue with his AKAI CD93. Here. The fault was finally traced down to a failing/failed velocity sensing coil with the pickup sled mechanism, that is an important part of the tracking servo. Unfortunately it was not a simple fix. I was able to figure out a dirty trick that fools the MCU during the tray loading phase, but that trick turned out to have worked for a short period of time until the ever deteriorating coil finally failed the servo altogether. If you have a digital multimeter, locate the sense coil and measure the coil resistance. If the resistance is significantly greater than 3K Ohm it would be consistent with the symptom on your machine.