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So ive come come from a background of car audio which I have been doing for years. I am now currently doing a lot of research for building a few systems for my house.

I have built several car audio systems using certain equipment and of course lots of custom work... It should be easier to achieve the sound goals I am looking for at home, but to tell you the truth I do not know where to start.... Actually I am only having a problem with a few things.

I plan on building a simple computer audio set up... just 2 speakers and a sub. That will be sourced from my dac/preamp that i have...

Second thing I do is plan on building a real nice system for my entertainment room... I dont know how elaborate I will go on that yet. But sound quality is the biggest goal, as well as a ridiculously big llt sub =)

I prefer to try out speakers and build enclosures for them myself and test them out.... I actually have access to spectrum analyzers and other test equipment. I have a degree in electronics, and currently work as an electronics technician. Going the complete diy route would be no problem for me.
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