Having the last word.

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Joined 2000
Paid Member
Hello friends. Could you think twice about uploading needless images to the database? They are archived with the regular backups, and will go towards making it a difficult task to ever put the "site on a CD".

The image upload facility here is meant to act as a service to those who don't have their own upload ability, or for important documents etc that deserve to be set in stone forever more...

I don't mean to spoil your fun - might I suggest using the image tag to link off to images? Then you don't have the 100k limitation, and all that, either.

Thanks for your understanding.


diyAudio Moderator Emeritus
Joined 2001

Thanks for answering. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to search the internet then, for that picture to make sure where it is from.

18 times the speed of light indeed.

If I read the summary of Einstein's theory correctly, as something approaches the speed of light it adds more and more mass, until when it hits the speed of light it has infinite mass.

If I understand that correctly, then 18 times the speed of light would take some doing. :D

Of course, I'm not asking the people at the network to understand relativity, I'm just hoping for a little common sense.
diyAudio Moderator Emeritus
Joined 2001
RE: Jason's message

Uh-oh. We'd better beware fellas.

The way they do images here is really nice. Some other boards allow only the URL tags. Putting the images up is a real difficult task, and they tend to disapper in a day or two. I don't know why.

If we don't watch it, the Webmaster can disable the image capability at any time. Then we would have disappearing images, and difficulty posting them. That would be a drag.
diyAudio Moderator Emeritus
Joined 2001
I think the above suggestions are worth investigating.

Another would be having the mods designate posts for either deletion or transferance to the URL method. The major problem I see with that is that people will be fighting with the moderators about which images are kept on the regular system and which are to be put on the URL system or be deleted.

Claiming "censorship" and all that.

I think the mods get too much grief here already. For the life of me, I really don't know why anyone would take the job.

:up: :up: MODERATORS :up: :up:

fdegrove said:


You have a point...thing is we have no idea what Jason has at his disposal for archiving methods.

Compressed or not this thread may well take over 400 MB of disk space....of what you may ask?


This thread, 400MB... dont think so

SkinnyBoy said:
Okay, find somewhere else to host pictures... got ya.. :D

Nearly the last word
Archimedes Plutonium and Uncle Al.

Usenet has it's share of personalities and characters just like we do here. One fellow who's legal name is Archimedes Plutonium regularly gets on to the science / physics / electromagnetics forum where I used to hang out before coming over to diyaudio. Archie Pu regularly asserts that the entire universe is in fact a single plutonium atom and goes on to explain why in great detail. Uncle Al, on the other hand, is not the shy and retiring type by any means, and I was there to witness him some time ago telling everybody just how silly AP really is. ;) He waxed thusly...

"I cannot believe how incredibly stupid Archie-Poo is. I mean rock-hard stupid. Blazing hot mid-day sun on Mercury stupid. Surface of Venus under 80 atmospheres of red hot carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid vapor dehydrated for 300 million years rock-hard stupid. Stupid so stupid that it goes way beyond the stupid we know into a whole different sensorium of stupid. Archie-Poo is trans-stupid stupid. Meta-stupid. Stupid so collapsed upon itself that it is within its own Schwarzschild radius. Black hole stupid. Stupid gotten so dense and massive that no intellect can escape. Singularity stupid. Archie-Poo emits more stupid/second than our entire galaxy otherwise emits stupid/year. Quasar stupid. Nothing else in the universe can be this stupid. Archie-Poo is an oozingly putrescent primordial fragment from the original Big Bang of Stupid, a pure essence of stupid so uncontaminated by anything else as to be beyond the laws of physics that define maximally extrapolated hypergeometric n-dimensional backgroundless stupid as we can imagine it. Archie-Poo is Planck stupid, a quantum foam of stupid, a vacuum decay of stupid, a grand unified theory of stupid. Archie-Poo is the epiphany of stupid. Archie-poo is stooopid."

That sort of thing here would give our Moderators something to think about would it not? :nod:
diyAudio Moderator Emeritus
Joined 2001
Give the Moderators something to think about? I don't think anybody here is all that dense, actually.

Still, it is noteworthy that the guy changed his name to Archimedes Plutonium. Some people really do believe in going all the way.

We had a local radio host once go down to the courthouse in the state capitol where such official items are taken care of as name change, etc.

One of the people there wanted to officially change his name to Von Boyage.

He hired a lawyer to get it done. Before seeing the judge, the lawyer recited the official request for name change on the air for the radio host. It went like, "Petitioner experiences exhilaration when his name is pronounced, especially when accompanied by waving motions, etc." This was an actual legal petition, about to be executed in the state courthouse in Hartford, Connecticut.

I really don't know what would compel an individual to give up his name for an amusing joke that is bound to wear off quickly. But there you have it.

Some people just believe in going all the way.
Seeing as this thread has little to do with diyaudio :

I want to make a small sealed subwoofer with say 8 - 10 or even 12 just for my flat i am temp. living at. Does any 1 have any good suggestions for cheap drivers i can obtain in europe?

doesn't have to be massive performace or power.

Maybe i will build two to go with the two bookshelf type speakers.

On a seprate thought i saw this thread :


And thougt i could get say 12 of audax AP210G6 at £12.30 +vat each and make a big sub. or is there similar drivers at a cheaper price
Re: Yes, lets keep the subject

Helix said:
OK, to get back to the subject of having the last word, but it would be good if anyone could help me with the previous posts, or has anyexperance of these types of subs. :)
There are special Filter ICs, that have variable "resistances".
Those R:s are made up of switches. These are often digital controlled.
By very fast switching and by variate the pulsewith, (PWM)
the quote of closed/open time of these switches,
you can alter those resistors (or in fact you alter how much current that passes. When you change a resistor the effect is a different current flow.)
But as you say you need to alter 4 resistors,
so a 4-gang pot is needed, with very good matching/linearity.

some Filter ICs are:
National MF10 - (2 sections, possible to cascade into 4th order)
Burr-Brown UAF42 (Universal Active Filter, 4 sections)
Also Maxim (MAX) have several programable filters

UAF42 FILTER - a lot of information and applications

/halo - uses mostly 6dB and 12dB filters
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