Having a s**t day

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I once had an expensive UHF wireless mic beltpack that took a bath in saltwater.
I immediately put it in fresh water until I could get it back to the shop.
After opening it up, I gave it a good bath in denatured alcohol and dried it thoroughly.
That was about five years ago.
The beltpack still works!

S**T does happen.
Just another Moderator
Joined 2003
Paid Member
Hmmm, I decied to pull the gearbox out of my Peugeot 306 S16 (it had a big hole in it where a diff sungear had decided it wanted to escape). Now that was a difficult job!! only got the car back on the road last weekend after a bit over 3 months!!

I can empathise :)

...yup...most of my jobs end up like that. I remember trying to fix a door on a dryer once...fixed it...but only after I kicked the living hell out of it. Had at least 10 dents in it when it was finished. Looked like crap, but still managed to close. Now the *** chewing I got from my wife was a completely different story. It still pains me to go near any dryer.
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Joined 2010

I have to say well done for coming out of the woods so well,

I must admit that night shift syndrome (Also known as the reverse midas touch Everything you touch turns to S**T) comes to mind..As the saying went..if its a one off or not replaceable then if your on shift DON'T TOUCH IT! Wait for a day off..

I'll give an example..

The car stereo stopped working simple job take tha back off solder the joint away ya gooo..to bed first Naww get it done..:eek:
So off with the top plate in with the gas iron in with the solder POOF! didn't disconnect the supply...new stereo required..

Washing machine off to bed..nawww..get it done..programmer fault mechanical it can only be a contact removes the pins holding it togeather splits the case and TWAANG a zillion parts fly across the room..new programmer..

A long time ago but..heed these words of warning GOO TA BED FIRST..or don't work shifts.<<get a day job doing stressful jobs like me..:D

Or always remember the five "P's"

Perfect planning..

Or stuff that and get it done..probably by a woman that can<<<been their what an embarrassment<<<I'll not go there its just to painful.. :D

M. Gregg
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OK..here's on for ya. I had a 1989 Nissan Maxima a while back. I had replaced the factory stereo with a top-O-the-line pioneer deck. Now keep in mind that I had done this many times with various vehicles. After putting everything back...later on...I noticed that there was a problem. I cant remember what it was now...but I'll tell you what I ended up doing to try to fix it. I took the ENTIRE dash out of the vehicle. Then, I removed ALL the seats front and back. I did this in order to trace very single wire to every single location inside the vehicle. After driving the car like this (except for the drivers seat which I had to put back in order to DRIVE the car) for about 3 weeks...I learned what each individual wire's job was, as you can imagine. But still did not trace down the problem. Everyone who would lay eyes on the car just could not imagine how in the hell I would drive the car around like that. I mean everything was dangling from the lack of a dash in the vehicle. Needless to say...I decided to check on the stereo connections that I had made 3 weeks prior....found out that I had grounded the black wire to some rediculous location...thereby causing this whole mess. And I have the nerve to try to build an amp....sheesh..
Long time ago i bought a bigger car and sold the old one to a friend.
Not a week later, i got a call that the thing wouldn't start and if i'd be willing to have a look at it.

On arrival, it turned out the bloke had gotten angry that the car was dead, after which he had smashed the front window.
When asked, he said all he had done was install a different radio combo.

Took a minute to figure out that the thing was wired wrong, which interfered with the electronics of the LPG/autogas installation.
Problem solved, well, minus the exchange of a broken front window.

(me had done a complete engine revision myself a year earlier, had cost more than what i sold the car for, felt sorry i had sold it to a moron)
Having said the galaxy s2 was working, the battery is slowly dying. As everything else is working perfectly is it conceivable that the water got into the battery and has affected the electronics within the battery.

I know that a lot of LiON batteries have PCBs built into them.

It still charges, but too rapidly all the way to an indicated 100%. It then lasts for a mere 4 hours until it dies. If I turn off BLUE TOOTH, WiFi and put it into AIRCRAFT mode it will last about six hours between charges.

As I said, other than a very short battery life it seems perfect.

Oh, with a flat battery it wont turn on with the charger attached, but that might be normal.
Well I tried a new High Capacity battery. It is better but the Battery Condition indicator is completely useless and the HC battery only lasts 24 hours at best.

At 95% charge the phone says its got 4 minutes of life left, then half an hour later with 94% charge it will have an indicated 2 Days life left - both of which are complete b******s.
Joined 2006
Paid Member
You should have kicked the wife instead of the machine...LOL

Damn - this thread iz almost az much fun az hanging out over in Pass Pub!!:D:D:D

Not recommended to be kicking SHMWO in Mississippi - because if her brothers get wind of it you could very well end up being used as alligator bait. For the uninformed this process involves 1st getting the crap beat out of you and then being dragged behind some type of boat while in a swamp full of 'gators. If the gators can't swim fast enough to catch up with the boat - well you slow the boat down a little.....

No gators around where you live? Find a hog farm.... :eek::eek::eek:
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