Has anyone used a L-ION Makita 18v battery in a DIY bluetooth build?

Has anyone used a L-ION Makita 18v battery in a DIY bluetooth build?

I have 3 and one is acting up and not charging properly, so pulled it apart to notice a board on the top, which assume is a protection circuit. I have a small build i'm working on and wondered if anyone has done something like this using the materials available? there are 10x 18650 batteries all wired up and to be honest i only need 12v. If not i would still consider using 3-4 in series to get 12v.

Either way i would need some guidance on how to wire it up to my dc jack.
If its not charging the charge/protection circuitry is kicking in because a cell or cells are dead/weak. Can you measure the individual voltages of the chain to identify the problem cell(s) (it must be 5S-2P arrangement)?

In general you never want to use or charge Li ion batteries without their protection circuitry.