gyrator and active crossover

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The to love the name if nothing else.
You can sure brag about having one of these babies in stereo.
Not to be confused with a gyrotron!

Anyways, has anyone looked at these before?
looks pretty ideal, no opamps in the signal path, easy to deal R and C's.

Although, a simple buffered filter circuit looks even simpler.
How about BOSOZs as input and output buffers...
Uhh, I see op-amps in the GIC circuit. People also overlook the op-amps in DC servo circuits too. Just because a component is going to ground you think it has no effect on the sound? Have you ever tried to build a passive four pole filter? Stick to three poles or less.
no I have never tried to build a low power passive 4 pole filter. Would you care to shine some light on why 4th order buffered filter would that be bad?
I am simply looking for a better way to do active filtering without having so many opamps on the line. Why have I bothered with the BOSOZ if I then need to tar up the signal path with 4 opamps?
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