guitar amp

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diyAudio Senior Member
Joined 2002

what are it's specs?

No clue whatsoever...guitar guys are after tone, bite, distortion of all sorts, whatever gives them what they like.

maybe i can get that guy to build it

I don't think that woud be easy, as I understand it the Soldano recipe involves handpicking passives and such....geez, doesn't this sound like high-end stuff??

Either way this is a very respected guitar amp manufacturer with a rep close to the VOX AC30 magic I've been told by people in the know.

So don't torture your friend too much.:devily:

Soldano guitar amplifiers are some of the best you can buy for your money. Not praticularly cheap but what would you expect.
Find them in any good recording studio doing rock music along with some Marshalls, Fenders and Mesa Boogies.

Unfortunately also the Atomic 16 from Soldano looks quite complex to build.
That is one great amplifier as well but not so much output power to drive a 4*12" (which you don´t need anyway).

I´m gonna see if I find some more nice and easy schematics for you.


PS: Playing the guitar is even a more expensive hobby than audio is IMO. When I was still playing in a band I was hanging out in shops playing amps I couldn´t afford.
Ever stood in front of a Soldano amp stroke the strings and saw the tubes glow heavily ? Hmmmm.......
Here´s some more schematics of commercial available guitar amps :
Seeing those you probably still think the ax84-amp is the choice.

May I ask what the purpose of building it yourself is?
Do you think you´ll get it cheaper or is it for fun ?
I don´t wanna discourage your buddy but you´ll probably get a 2nd-hand amplifier )for home purpose) cheaper than the whole project would cost.

Another alternative could be to build a simple gainclone chip amplifier and go for a used tube pedal like the Hughes&Kettner "Tubeman"
and use that in front.

If you decide for the latter let me know and I´ll try the combination.

I have a s**tload of guitar amps and effect schematics i've came across in the internet over the years - if you want something in particular drop me a mail, i might have it somewhere. But still, google is your best friend :)

The AX84 project i heard is a very nice low power amp, in the spirit of the THD Univalve - it might be worth a look.
What type of music ?


what type of music do you want to play with your amp ? The sound of your amp depend of the "sound" you want. For me a Vox AC30 is good for a lot. It is simple to build, use EL84 easy to find, low price,... and have a "magic sound".
You can find schematic on my site
I see that you are in belgium, you can find parts at diy paradiso and transformers at diy paradiso or magnetic in france. Some good adress at


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