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Group purchase for Jensen input transformer

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It looks like there's some interest here. I'm guessing about a dozen so far. I don't think the purchase would be worth the hassle until the 25 piece breakpoint, but we're half way there already. So maybe we should start a WIKI. Anyone know how to do this? It should include a preference for the mounting option.
I would hold out for the 25 piece price.You need to figure that postage could cost >$4 to send them out. Plus what ever shipping Jenson hits you up with added on, divided up on a per transformer basis. It makes more sense to wait for additional orders.
YES. it's the best CMRR filter. It works at much larger common mode voltages than any practical balanced amp. But that is not really a big deal. It breaks ground loops and prevents DC input, it's biggest advantages. The rest is gravy. You can get ground loops in a stereo amp from the shield loop between right and left channels. There are way of connecting these to lower this, but the transformers do a lot of things in one package. It allows a balanced or unbalanced preamp to be connected without any extra circuitry.

"Balancing an unbalanced signal" is not how I'd put it. It can present a balanced interface for an unbalanced amplifier
being a bit of a Borders scrooge, is there a cheaper alternative that has most of the Jensen quality/performance?
My stereo system has 7 poweramps and I'm not even contemplating the 5.1 system even though it has the longest interconnects.
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