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Grant Fidelity B283 MKII Buffer

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If quality is your name, this buffer is your game. Not only does this Grant Fidelity buffer have better quality control than your standard Chinese made buffer, but I have also upgraded this one. The tubes are 1952 Raytheon 6SN7 GTB, but I'll include the stock tubes as well. I have also upgraded all the signal capacitors to ANSAR PPA units, installed film bypass caps on the power supply caps, and bleeder resistors where needed to keep everything safe. :)

I was using this between my old passive preamp and my amp, but my new passive preamp does not seem to benefit from this in the signal path; it's too well designed and high quality... This buffer does make a big difference if you have any impedance issues.

The buffer will be shipped in the factory box with factory foam, with factory accesories.$200 plus actually shipping.
Picture of the installed ANSAR caps:


  • GF-buffer-inside.jpg
    159.7 KB · Views: 143
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