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Gotham Shielded Power Cable - Partner Buy?

I suppose this is technically a group buy.

I'd like to purchase some Gotham 85225 3c. Shielded AC Power Cable from Redco (Gotham 85225 3c. Shielded AC Power Cable | Redco Audio) and the price is much better at 100+ feet. I'd prefer to buy 50 feet, but buying 50 feet is actually more expensive than buying 100 feet.

Would anyone in the CONUS like to buy 50 (or more) feet of this cable at $0.83/ft? If you add $10 to your total, I'll cover shipping from Redco and shipping to you after I cut the 100 feet in half.

If more than one person wants to buy less than 100 feet of cable, we can work out a different split.
I'd take 20-30 feet.

im interested but i prefer to buy 20 feet. i might consider going higher or there might be other people interested to join.

I've done the math for a 20/30/50 split and PMd both of you with details for payment.

If anyone else wants to join before I make the order, please respond to the thread. It shouldn't change the math that much.