Global Warming/Climate Change hoax

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Until the real problem, too many humans on the planet, is addressed, then all attempts at preventing climate change are just putting fingers in holes the the wall of a dyke, too few fingers for far too many holes.

As second and third world countries strive towards first world, energy demands will increase, almost exponentially, and nothing will change. Of course, population control measures then invoke the rules of the forum regarding illegal subjects.

Best shut this thread down now.
The population will be self limiting. One way or another.

Unfortunately, although family size is inversely proportional to education level it is not possible to bring the worlds population to first world education levels over night.

Europe shows the same negative population trend (excluding immigration) as Canada, USA, etc.

Fertility Decline in Western Europe - PRI

So we have several potential solutions, war, pandemic, mass starvation, population out of control until we have either a mass die-off followed by extinction/decline to the dark ages, population oscillation and stabilization at a supportive level, or peak and exponential drop off to a sustainable level.

Either way, it is going to be a rough ride. I expect to have checked out before the fun begins. I also expect my children will see the beginning of it. And my grandkids will be stuck in the worst of it.

I am after all, an optimist.
It is not a problem of population *numbers* by itself but what they actually *consume* every day.

* This is what just one 4 member USA Family consumes in 1 week:

United States: The Revis family of North Carolina. Food expenditure for one week: $341.98

* another 4 member US Family, maybe more Environment conscious, there should me more like them:

United States: The Caven family of California. Food expenditure for one week: $159.18

* a 5 member German Family:

Germany: The Sturm Family of Hamburg. Food Expenditure for One Week: € 253.29 ($325.81 USD)

* a 4 member Japanese Family:

Japan: The Ukita family of Kodaira City. Food expenditure for one week: 37,699 Yen or $317.25

CLEARLY the "big spenders" , those who most tax the Environment are those from the Rich, advanced Countries, who besides food itself utilize lots of plastic, refrigeration, processing; all of it Oil, resources and power hungry.

Compare that to mid level "Third World" Families and then the poorest ones ... the ones who are unjustly blamed for World problems, while they are actually the victims and the lightest load on our World resources:

* an 8 member Family in Kuwait:

Kuwait: The Al Haggan family of Kuwait City. Food expenditure for one week: 63.63 dinar or $221.45
And remember they must import a great part of their food and being an oil rich Country, they are among the richest "third worlders" by far.

* a 12 member Egyptian Family:

Egypt: The Ahmed family of Cairo. Food expenditure for one week: 387.85 Egyptian Pounds or $68.53

* a 9 member "campesino" Latin American Family:

Ecuador: The Ayme family of Tingo. Food expenditure for one week: $31.55

and last, the poorest Family reported in this Times research/study:
* 6 member Family living in Africa on U$D 1.23 a week.
That´s not a typo, one dollar and twenty three cents a week.
So think twice before blaming the "masses of poor people" for the World problems :

Chad: The Aboubakar family of Breidjing Camp. Food expenditure for one week: 685 CFA Francs or $1.23

even the water they use in a week is in those plastic jugs in the background, compare that to the thousands of liters used weekly by any "first World" Family.

For the full, eye opening report:

Hi Bill, most of these are speculative, and they say so. Do you actually understand the papers, cos I cant.
Wikipedia is not a good source. Universities are also funded and political, I personally know someone because he could write what he wanted to in his phd so he left.
yes, but you have to realise that papers have an agenda. If you can not see that the press has been trying to bury Trump since he came into politics then you are not paying attention. Even if you dont like Trump, you should be concerned at the bias the media shows. There is no journalism, and much opinion.
JMFahey, I think our family (me, the boss lady, and two kids) food budget is ca 5000 NOK/month, about just over 600$ US/per month.
This is including alcohol and some other things. But there are no pre-fabricated products, bake our own bread etc. I seriously doubt it can be done cheaper, because everything is so expensive here, unless we get a bigger property to increase our own food production. Local products are much more expensive than buying for example imported meat, but we make local produce a priority.

Would be interesting what other Diyaudio members have as (rough but realistic estimation) food budget.
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