Giesberts HEXFET AMP Problem

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hi every one
i built up the Giesberts HEXFET AMP with the IRF pair and after i finished i started to measure the offset and till that it was fine ... then when i put my multimeter in series with the positive supply rail and strated to adjust P2 but i found that the quiscent current is fixed at 3mA not changing so i checked the transistors but it was all fine however i changed the TR7 with another one but the same result and when i tried to apply an input signal i got a clear good output sound but very low power arround 10 or 15 watt .. i don't have an osciliscope so ..... please help what my cause this ?????😕

and here is the link of the schematic :
Hi there. I just saw your message Brownstocker. What about T12 and T13? Are they getting hot or what? 3mA is quite strange 😕 Maybe the ~15W output you have is from the pre-amplification stage? Check all of your connections, PCB traces and make sure that the HEXFET's are ok. You have the same problem with 2 different boards, or is it just a mono amp?
thanks alot egbert i'm going to check them and may replace them .... i used the IRFP pair with the modifications that were posted in other threads and right now i was reading in the thread of the stability
and i realy want to have your final modification picture the other links are expired and thanks for support egbert
You can see an unmodified elektor hexfet amplifier here.hexfet amplifier - YouTube.
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