Getting UAC 2.0 working in STM32CubeIDE

I am new to this site.

Currently, I am trying to get TinyUSB to work on an STM32F723E Discovery board. My intention is to get UAC 2.0 working on the high-speed USB port.
Among others, I have read this thread
which implies that several people have succeeded in getting this to work on that particular board.

My problem at the moment is that I can't even get far enough to find any help in that thread, and I am pretty much stuck. Even though I have enabled the HS USB port in the IDE, and I have imported TinyUSB according to the Getting Started instructions, absolutely nothing happens in the Windows Device Manager when I plug in the USB cable. I know that my firmware is running (flashing LED) – the USB port just seems unresponsive.

I am fully aware that this isn't a TinyUSB forum. However, if anyone should have a UAC 2.0 project that works on this board, I would very much appreciate a copy of it. Mainly to compare, and hopefully see what I have missed / done wrong.