Getting the famous MF30 heatsink?

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Errr ....... YEP!

Think about the 150mm x 200mm dual flanged sinks.

Use 2 of these per side and you could make the case a little narrower than mine. So, the case would be a narrow front-to-deep profile ...... seen that somewhere before ????? ........ 'X' something or other :)

The cost of the sinks from Conrad is very reasonable and using 4 of these for a stereo version would still be very acceptable cost-wise.

You could build Aleph5 mono's using 2 of the 300mm sinks but this is likely "overkill" ........ but as I have said before, I have a certain amount of respect for this, just my wife would go "nuts" :(

Heatsinks similar to actual Pass products?

I am in the planning phase for an Aleph-X, after building one channel for testing (using Grey's shematics with the enhancements). I want to let it look a little bit like the X series amps, but could not find heatsinks that look that way. I don't want to have parallel fins like , and most of the other ones have slots to mount vents, which I don' like (Fischer SK109). Any suggestions?

BTW: THe Aleph-X sounds great :D . I finished it about two weeks ago (P2), and now can not wait to get the real thing done.

You should take a look on the fischerelektronics website, there is the program of all kinds of heatsinks they make. You could purchase them direct from fischer, not so expensive like through a distributor and more choice. Just send tzhem a email and ask for an offer.

btw: could you post schematic and pics of the alephx? very interested.

thanks for the info to look at fischer, but they do not have anything that looks close to the "real thing" and has a suitable Rth. The Fischer SK109 would be ok, if it didn't have these mounting rails at the ends of the fins.
I found this:
look for the KL-270 to KL 276 sizes.
But gives not the right look-and-feel for me :( .
And making my own die to get 500kg (minimal order) heatsinks the way I want them makes the amps a little bit expensive.

The schematics are in the aleph-x thread. I will run it with paralleded output devices and higher supply voltage, as my tests with the first version did not show up problems. Not shure about the final voltage/bias/output, but I want to build the case not to limit it too much.
If no one tries it, we will never know if there are any problems scaling it. And what can I loose?

no, not the HH/Fred CCS (yet), only the Pass/Macmillian resistors from output to CCS, and the load resistor of the zener not to ground, but to -Vcc. I will make the PCB so that I could put a daughter board on it with another CCS later, as well as some place for additional Cs if stability problems should arise. Did anyone try the different CCS?

And should we continue with this topic in the aleph-x-thread?


... going to listen to my Aleph-X proto for one more hour....
pquadrat, if you can´t find anything suitable at fischer i don´t know what else to do, sorry. But maybe you should ask for a printed cataloge at fischer, and send a picture of what you need to the friendly girls at the Vertrieb. Maybe they will find a solution. When i was in contact with fischer they had been very helpfull and friendly.
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