German DIY WEB shop with torriod transformers

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I had a link to a german DIY site/shop with a list of transformers that was wery reasonably priced. I had a HD crash and cant find the site again.

Could anyone in the forum help me out finding this site or other good german sites.

Postage from germany to sweden is cheaper then postage within sweden. So I almost always try to order from germany.

Best regards

Thanks for all the replys but it is not one of the sites mentioned so far.

I remember that they had torroid 30VA 2x30V for something like 11 EUR but also alot of other different ratings.

I remember that the site linked a excel or text file with the different transformers and prices.

The overall look of the website was white.

I bought "Ringkerntrafos" from Schuro and from Reichelt, Schuro the cheap ones, nothing special. both are about the same price, both look similar, seem to be same maufakturer. Reichelt is really fast and good service, schuro i have not much experience.

Probably nothing wrong but a lot to do. I got a mail today telling me that everything was in stock and ready to ship. Paid it today and hopefully getting the stuff next week. No worries.

Thanks for the feedback. First time with Schuro and if the stuff is good then I will place more orders as the they have most of what I use and prices are fair.

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