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General Radio stuff, and a synth.

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I will describe what I do not already have on ebay......these are unlisted......(selling estimate).

Dave Smith Evolver:
mono-synth, desktop w/manual. ($ 350)

General Radio:
*1654 Impedance Comparator. ($299)
*1423 Decade Mica capacitor standard. ($ 318)
* (2) Gen Rad 1346 Microvoltmeters ($125, for both)
*Gen Rad 1390b Pink Noise Generator ($80)
*1396a Toneburst Generator (+ new lamps) ($210)

.....on most of these GR's, I have already upgraded the PSU caps to modern versions, and cleaned the switches. No knobs missing.

Thru Paypal only (protects both of us).
I'll email you the correct price for shipping.

I may have photos.....but all are in very good condition, for usability and display purpose.

My ebay site....http://www.ebay.com/usr/midiochre
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