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GB: EL34 Baby Huey Amp and PSU MK2 PCB

Hi. As discussed on the EL34 Baby Huey Amplifier thread, I'm starting a new GB for the amplifier PCB and separate supply, Mk2.

The AMP PCB is designed to install the tube from the back, version of this pcb is MK2 Rev 1.5-2, bottom, dated 14-07-2019, see schematic. The MK2 version has no power supplies built-in, you need the separate Power Supply PCB. As suggested I corrected R14/R15 to 1K/2W, the correct value for the EL34 tube.
You need One (1) AMP PCB per channel, Two (2) for a stereo amplifier.

The Separate Power Supply PCB is version MK2, Rev 1.5-1, dated 23-07-2019
You need one One (1) PSU for two channels...

Check the PCB images for dimensions.

Add your name to the list and send me a private email. Then I will contact you to get your full name, full shipping address and private email to reach you.
Once we have an idea how many members we have we can have an idea of the pcb price. Prices should be similar to previous GB...

We will see how it goes...Thanks

March 19th, 2021 UPDATE
This GB is now CLOSED

March 20th, one kit still available, one buyer changed his mind...

July 12th, Will place a small pcb order this week for a few extra kits. Already sent email to the few that were interested so far. If interested let me know.

August 5th, Received second batch of PCB and already starting shipping. Still have a few extra kits, if interested let me know.
August 20th, Only one kit left, if interested let me know.

Finally ordered the output transformers for the amp, so I'll be able to test my own PCB. and received the power trnasformer as well.

Sept 9th, No more kit left, but I'm ordeirng a new batch with some other projects, so if interested let me know.
Sept 20th, received third batch of PCB and already starting shipping of two kits. if interested let me know.


  • EL34_AMP MK2_Top_Actual PCB.JPG
    EL34_AMP MK2_Top_Actual PCB.JPG
    254.1 KB · Views: 1,807
  • EL34_PSU MK2_Actual Top.JPG
    EL34_PSU MK2_Actual Top.JPG
    224.1 KB · Views: 1,823
  • AMP_Dimensions.JPG
    248.1 KB · Views: 1,772
  • PSU_Dimensions.JPG
    331.7 KB · Views: 1,760
  • Schema Baby Huey MK2 power supply 1.5-1.pdf
    Schema Baby Huey MK2 power supply 1.5-1.pdf
    156.9 KB · Views: 633
  • Schema Baby Huey MK2 Rev 1.5-2.pdf
    Schema Baby Huey MK2 Rev 1.5-2.pdf
    878.8 KB · Views: 724
  • EL34 Baby Huey Amp & PSU_Parts List.zip
    EL34 Baby Huey Amp & PSU_Parts List.zip
    23 KB · Views: 592
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List of GB potential buyers: Please add your name and order to the list. And contact Algar_emi with your name, address and private email to reach you

Algar_emi: 2 AMP + 1 PSU
Ayooper: 2 AMP + 1 PSU
Guiness: 2 AMP + 1 PSU
Tompa909: 2 AMP + 1 PSU (possible buyer...)
Gwrskien: 2 AMP + 1 PSU

Total: 10 AMP, 5 PSU
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Please add your name to the list when interested. Thanks

Algar_emi: 2 AMP + 1 PSU
Ayooper: 2 AMP + 1 PSU
Guiness: 2 AMP + 1 PSU
Tompa909: 2 AMP + 1 PSU (possible buyer...)
Gwrskien: 2 AMP + 1 PSU
Mafalda: 2 AMP + 1 PSU

Total: 12 AMP, 6 PSU

Interest is slow, but we can probably reach 20 AMP and 10 PSU. Will wait maybe an other month to have an idea of the quantity to order, and then I will decide to place the pcb order or wait a little longer.
Algar_emi: 2 AMP + 1 PSU
Ayooper: 2 AMP + 1 PSU
Guiness: 2 AMP + 1 PSU
Tompa909: 2 AMP + 1 PSU (possible buyer...)
Gwrskien: 2 AMP + 1 PSU
Mafalda: 2 AMP + 1 PSU
Tyso: 2 AMP + 1 PSU
Justanalogue: 2 AMP + 1 PSU
luvdunhill: 2 AMP + 1 PSU

Total: 18 AMP, 9 PSU