
And the gardener.


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I was wondering when we would get a gardening thread going.

A subject I enjoy. First let me identify myself, the gardener, in line with thread rules;

Saint Remy Asylum Visit.jpg

We decided to visit the Saint Remy Asylum, France, home to Vincent Van Gogh in May 1889:

On his very first and excited day he painted this masterpiece of flowers, Irises:

Vincent Van Gogh Irises.jpg

Now considered the World's most valuable painting.

It was a bit late in the year when I visited, so Irises and Sunflowers and Lavender were finished, and his little room is on the right next to the Romanesque Church:

Saint Remy Asylum.jpg

We did however snap un homage to Vincent:

Saint Remy France.jpg

A touch of the Sunflowers, I think you will agree. He was happy there.

It's not that he painted it, IMO, it is that he could SEE IT! Not many people can. 😎
First let me identify myself, the gardener, in line with thread rules...

I would prefer to remain incognito! 😉


I'm not much of a gardener - mow the lawn - trim the bushes - that's my stretch!

However, I take great joy in the efforts of others and one of my favourite haunts is the Logan Botanic Garden situated near my holiday home at the south-western tip of Scotland.

The garden is warmed by the Gulf Stream which enables plants from Australia, New Zealand, South and Central America and Southern Africa to thrive.

TBH, Galu, I would not attempt to grow Sun-basking Southern plants in the dismal Northern Wastes of Scotland!

It sorts of goes against Nature:


Naturally, we grow some interesting Plant Species in the moderate climate of Portsmouth, UK.

Echiums crowd our streets. Aloe's continue to surprise us in Tresco Abbey Garden:

Tresco Abbey Gardens.jpg

And have you ever seen a tree like this?

Monkey Puzzle Tree.jpg

My Auntie Josie was a Scillonian. A schoolteacher on St. Mary's for the most part. No, I don't know what subject she taught.
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Looks like a norfolk island pine to me Steve, I used to have one until the 2 day deep freeze last winter (15F) killed it deader than a door nail! 😕

Here‘s my century plant (American aloe) starter kit. (Notice the little ‘pups’ it puts out up to 3 or 4 meters from the main plant) Those are date palms in the foreground 😎

edit; other plants in my yard you don’t want to fall into drunk! Spanish bayonet (left) and yucca (right) the yellow/brown leaves on the yucca are damage from that freeze.


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TBH, Galu, I would not attempt to grow Sun-basking Southern plants in the dismal Northern Wastes of Scotland!

I have news for you you soft southerner! 😛

The south-western tip of Scotland extends further south than parts of England.

Check out the Mull of Galloway on this map:


And have you ever seen a tree like this?

No, but every day I walked past a Monkey Puzzle Tree on the way to my local primary school in Central Scotland.

It looked like this:

Hi Folks,
I'm not much of a gardener and don't enjoy being outdoors as much as I did when I was younger. But I wanted to Thank everyone for their pictures and posts. I admire the skill of gardening immensely and really enjoyed the pictures. It takes a unique talent (which I do not possess) to garden successfully and I so admire those who can! Keep up the amazing work!
Dave M.
Heres my fruit section:

1. Mulberry
2. Satsuma orange
3. Muscadine grape
4. Green beans/tomatillos
5. Okra
6. Meyers lemon
7. Cherokee plum
8. Loquat
9. Guava
10. Bay laurel (bay leaf)

last pic is 2 yrs prior whole garden is only 3 yrs old………growing things this close to the ocean is challenging to say the least!


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As a kid, we had a small orchard growing up, apples, chestnuts, peaches, plums, cherries, pears. I ran over the pecan tree with the lawnmower before it had a chance. So this year, my 3.75 y/o repaid me by taking down our 1 year old cherry (he saw me push over a dead pine in the woods to keep it from dropping on the electric fence).

I hope to see fruit from my next place. Any place I had time and place for a garden, I never stayed more than than a couple years. Likely including this one. So I've planted several times, but never got to harvest anything beyond some berries and vegetables.
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So you admit to being a Deceiver.

And whilst I am debunking most of the other nonsense that comprises this worrysome Forum,

I lay down a ground attack @Galu.

My Dad was put in charge of a unit of the 51st. Highland Division in 1940:

Major Norman P.jpg

Most of them were Frankly USELESS!

He legged it, as any sensible Man would:

Major Norman gets on his Bike in 1940.png

A Correct decision, IMO. 😎
Interesting discovery made today. baby rabbits around 4 weeks old love snapdragons and lupins. Fully grown ones leave them alone and mow the lawn as per the agreement we have. I'm running out of things to plant as everything I like growing they eat. It's no longer a garden, it's an ecosystem. Just need to persuade some foxes in to eat the bunnies.