FW Announcement

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I don't get all this talk of retirement. You can't retire innovation and passion for audio. NP will still be the head of the business, just more fun to be had. More for greedy boys, probably... But more PL and FW to come too...

All the best NP, we're enjoying the ride...
retirement ?

Wizards are not going to retirement


  • mmvii.jpg
    49.6 KB · Views: 546
......a rather more orthodox view from ZM.....iconic in fact. 😉

I can easily see that having to build a hundred off of each design oneself leaves little time to do the things one wants to do....also it is sure to happen that an idea comes up from time to time (usually well before the end of a run) where an alternative detail may seem more attractive to the original design/layout; to be unable to make the change must be extremely frustrating!

You have given us a lot - thank you - now have fun Mr Pass. 😎
Mr Pass, I've always felt like you talents were being wasted with the assembling of amps. I thought it truly had to be a labor of love more than for monetary gain. Being a few years older and retired it is now a pleasure doing what I truly enjoy doing everyday and I think you have made a wise decision.
Well, I think Papa goes out on the ranch to the beach, will watching the whales,
drinking some red wine and thinking about new ideas.
I have this figured out, isn't it?

Yes very nice Papa focus his scope on experiments with semiconductors, topologys , innovations,
build himself prototypes amps but send FW serial production to PL Team.
It's start new more intense designs amplifiers time with luck we see write articles about Papa Diy discoverings
that lot benefits for all electronic audiophile hobby peoples.
Great to see Mr Pass on the beach watching the whales 😀
My kindest regards :happy1:
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