Fuse between SMPS & Class D amp

I could use assistance determining the value of the fuse between my 24:v/10A SMPS and 4 channel Sure Class T ("100Wx4")) amplifier.
Note I only plan to use 3 channels in a triamplified stack ( i.e. one PS & amp board per channel driving midbass, midrange and tweet from an electronic Xover.I don't play very loud.
On the 24v rail, what amperage fuse would you recommend?
Thanks in advance,
Fuses generally protect cables wires and transformer windings from fire, make sure the fuse is rated lower current than the cables/wires it protects. It the wires can handle 10A and the SMPS limits the current to 10A itself, no need for an output fuse. Of course you can add extra fusing, but generally speaking semiconductors blow faster than fuses.
As far as I know the (Switching Mode) Power Supplies designed to power Class D amplifier modules should already have a fuse on the PCB (i. e. Hypex ones, that typically could not be replaced by the user).


However to get an idea of the rating of the fuses between the switching power supply and the modules you can compare those relating to the various models in the following page that provide different output powers.


Also, I wouldn't forget to take care of including a fuse between mains and the SMPS power supply itself.