fuse amp problem

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i recently bought a new secondary 350 watt speaker, in use with a 200W RCA reciever. my original speaker pair is 325W im currently using it with a 200W technics reciever. but, everytime i seem to turn up the volume on my RCA reciever it keeps getting clipped. i opened them both up, on my technics therse a 125v 5A fuse, 4A on the other. So i went out to radio shack and bought a new 5A fuse (even though it saids 4A on the reciever) and the DB level on the amp went higher then it did when i used a 4A fuse.

Could anyone explain what the amp rating on a fuse means, and also what kind of fuse should i get?
even though the RCA is the same wattage as the Technics reciever, the RCA cant compare to the volume level without getting clipped.
All 200 watt amplifiers are not created equally.
You can't always believe the published specifications.
One amplifier might put out 200 watts into 8 ohms.
Another amplifier might put out 200 watts into 4 ohms but only 100 watts into 8 ohms.
In other cases, the published specifications are pure fiction.

As for the fuse. If the amplifier calls for a 4 amp fuse, use a 4 amp fuse. After all, it's there to protect the amplifier.
Increasing the amperage rating of a fuse will not make the amplifier put out more power.
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