Funniest snake oil theories

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John, some kind of field effect.
I first discovered this long time ago when I used a house brick on top of my cdp to dampen acoustic feedback/vibration.
One day I picked up the brick so I could remove the lid and do some internal tweaking but changed my mind and replaced the brick, except rotated 180*.
The system sound changed...what the ?.
I flipped the brick back and forth and confirmed that the effect of the brick is directional.
This observation has led to long process of experimentation culminating in my filters.
My summary is that biologically beneficial elements and compounds sound pleasing, and biologically toxic elements sound, well toxic.

Squabble away folks.

Just received this email....
Since applying TS's to my guitar rig, my sound is clearer, more pleasing to the ear and more enjoyable to play.

TS's have a range of applications from Hi Fi to PA to recording to anything that has wires basically, but I will just talk about the way I use them for my electric guitar rig.

After being given some prototypes to work with I placed the TS's in various positions in my rig. To start with I put one on my cable going from my guitar. Then one after my FX pedals going into my amp. Then between the FX pedals, then on my power cable to my amp and speaker cable.

After a few weeks of experimenting, I decided that the best sound came when I used one Tone Stone on my cable from my guitar, one Tone Stone going into my amp and one on the speaker cable.

The result is a very clear sound that hits my ear with a quality that must be heard to be appreciated. I can also feel it when I play.

I have tested the TS's with other guitar players who immediately want to know what I have done to their sound and where can they buy a TS.

I really enjoy TS's for the way they improve sound quality and enjoyment for the listener without question.

Two thumbs up!
Michael Vdelli.
Well Dan, that is the best of what we can expect out of others. We, of course, have our own personal listening opinion, but it is refreshing when someone, perhaps someone we barely know, tries something that we have developed and loves it. Happens to me several times a week, and keeps me going.
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Well Dan, that is that best of what we can expect out of others. We, of course, have our own personal listening opinion, but it is refreshing when someone, perhaps someone we barely know, tries something that we have developed and loves it. Happens to me several times a week, and keeps me going.
Yes, keeps me going too.
This the first informal written review, there are plenty of other verbal opinions and all positive, many overwhelmingly so.
I went to JB HiFi the other day and asked a young salesman to try my filters with his music on a range of systems and he dug it bigtime.
We also tried treating a $5k UHD tv playing King Kong movie.....same deal, cleaner, clearer, sharper and nicely more enjoyable picture.
Concepts like BQP are perfectly real folks, even if there is no explanation.....yet.



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the effect of the brick is directional.

Very cool. I assume you generated some test tones in wav files, burned those to CD, disconnected the cdp from your audio system, then measured the output spectra when playing the tones:

1. With no audio playing through your speakers and no brick.
2. No audio and brick on cdp.
3. No audio and brick rotated 180 (or 90) degrees horizontally.
4. No audio and brick rotated vertically.
5. With music playing through speakers and no brick.
6. Music playing and brick on cdp.
7. Music playing, brick rotated horizontally.
8. Music playing, brick rotated vertically.

How would you quantify the changes in the observed spectra?
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Joined 2017
By the way LD, I apologize for my earlier snotty remarks. I didn't understand where you were coming from, and shouldn't have been such a dick about it, sorry.

- Jim

P.S. Also by the way, I actually still have a copy of Angelo, My Love on LaserDisc. Wonder what it's worth? :rolleyes:

I'm not that concerned. I'm more concerned with whats happening in NK.

If you want to find out the value of a LD you can either search eBay or go to a quick glance on lddb brings up $30 USD: LaserDisc Database - Angelo, My Love [VLD 1026]

The #1 laserdisc to look out for is Schlafes Bruder in PAL+ Squeeze format. YouTube

Its DVD cousin doesn't do the film justice and its not out on Bluray.

I'm building up a nice PAL only Laserdisc collection again after being out of the format for 5 years. I was previously into NTSC only LDs and didn't like NTSC so gave up on it. I'm also a stickler for the same aspect ratio that I used to watch on VHS as a child, so I try to only collect Pan & Scan PAL laserdiscs.

I prefer PAL + Pan and Scan + Analog audio soundtracks. Just because I haven't yet tried out an optical analog audio format. But if it isn't available in analog I'll opt for a digital soundtrack in 4:3/Pan & Scan.

Also getting back into vinyl.

I've got some really good pressings (Sleeping With the Enemy, Postcards from the edge, Independence Day (In Widescreen PAL) and one really bad one (James Bond - Octopussy is the really bad pressing. LOTS of noise, looks like a tossed-around for 30 years 8mm film with the coating worn off on the left hand side.)

I'm also blown away at the sound quality of analog audio laserdiscs. The format should really be looked at again if you are willing to dabble in a dead format. Unfortunately PAL LDs only came in either dolby digital or analog, NTSC came in mostly both analog and dolby digital. But I'm not willing to get back into NTSC LDs anytime soon, not unless I come across an Elite player for cheap.
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Joined 2009
Paid Member
I'm building up a nice PAL only Laserdisc collection again after being out of the format for 5 years. I was previously into NTSC only LDs and didn't like NTSC so gave up on it. I'm also a stickler for the same aspect ratio that I used to watch on VHS as a child, so I try to only collect Pan & Scan PAL laserdiscs.

NTSC = Never Twice the Same Colour. Just saying. :)

John, some kind of field effect.
I first discovered this long time ago when I used a house brick on top of my cdp to dampen acoustic feedback/vibration.
One day I picked up the brick so I could remove the lid and do some internal tweaking but changed my mind and replaced the brick, except rotated 180*.
The system sound changed...what the ?.
I flipped the brick back and forth and confirmed that the effect of the brick is directional.
This observation has led to long process of experimentation culminating in my filters.
My summary is that biologically beneficial elements and compounds sound pleasing, and biologically toxic elements sound, well toxic.

Squabble away folks.


My current system sits on a stack of shelvs of black granite and vibration pad.

The only change in sound is that since I run a tube amp I can
now tap on the desk and The tubes pick up less of the noise.
Simple mechanical damping, and nothing else.

I used granite and vibration pads ecause it was easy to make and fairly inexpensive.

The power of suggestion can be quite strong in some people,
I would venture to believe that is what you are hearing.

I'm one of those people that the power of suggestion does not work on.
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