Funniest snake oil theories

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The best way that I know of is identifying the deficient aspects and iteratively improving on them. Basically just listen for deficiency, identify areas that can be improved without sacrificing others, listen, verify through measurements, and the cycle through this process to identify another aspect and do the same.
Hi nezbleu,
I'm afraid your hat is a counterfeit one. No one here in Germany would say HEFE WEISSE BIER to a beverage called Hefeweißbier (which means beer with some additional content of wheat malt and yeast still being in suspension, thus looking murky).
Best regards!

The Canadian/US distributors would usually make the decision to adapt the language. Pre WW1 we (US) were not allowed to (or very strongly discouraged from) using umlauts in our surnames (though accent grave was OK).

Wheel of Fortune is a hoot in Germany for us to watch. It is the Pisner BTW that I still think is not exported probably because they think it is not different enough to be worth it.
Hi Scott,

the issues with German 'umlauts' in other languages are well known to me. There even is no capital letter for the umlaut 'ß' in the German language. But what puzzled me is the superfluous 'E' after the double 'S'. It should have been spelled HEFE WEISS BIER, or better in one word HEFEWEISSBIER. I'd bet that Hacker-Pschorr never would have spelled it the way we see in the pic.

Best regards!
Hi Scott,

the issues with German 'umlauts' in other languages are well known to me. There even is no capital letter for the umlaut 'ß' in the German language. But what puzzled me is the superfluous 'E' after the double 'S'. It should have been spelled HEFE WEISS BIER, or better in one word HEFEWEISSBIER. I'd bet that Hacker-Pschorr never would have spelled it the way we see in the pic.

Best regards!

"HEFE WEISSE BIER" doesn`t make any sense.
Should be "HEFE WEISS BIER".
Yeah, but real Scientists/Engineers use science !
Engineers like me use science. We usually prefer to work within technically understood bounding box and kind of put the unexplored a little to the side.:)

Scientists focus on what was previously unexplored or unexplained to add to the body of science. Sometimes by adding new science other scientists and engineers unable to grasp.
.....I am a little worried about Max (Dan) though. He is a well spoken and interesting guy, seems like a good person, probably does hear very small distortion, but has some theories that are probably going to end up being disappointing. It may never get to the point of disappointing Dan, but I could imagine his son growing up to be one of those people telling stories about his dad being on a quest that never panned out.
Hi Mark.
Thank you for the kind words, you are a perceptive, knowledgeable and good natured guy.
I also thank you for your concern, I have even mulled over exactly as you have said above, but there is no real need for worry.
I have shared some subjective observations, divulged some overview postulations but no theories on the operation of my formulation.
If a proven theory/explanation of operation can be derived well that would be grand, but it is not a deal breaker.

Like JC with BQP, I have tried and failed to derive repeatable and meaningful measurements data, but I haven't necessarily been looking in the right places nor have I necessarily had good enough measurement gear, and I haven't tried all that hard.
I have however trialed this formulation in differing form factors in a wide variety of fields and direct applications with solid confirmation of magnitude of effect and solid confirmation of desirability of effect from a wide variety of subjects.

The effects that I have described and have not yet described are solid in the subjective domains, repeatable and preferred.
The observations that I have described don't compute with most of those here and that does not worry me in the slightest.
The objections cause me to feel pity for those with minds so indoctrinated or senses blunted, this is true in many fields of endeavor and not just audio.

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