Funniest snake oil theories

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Interesting to know the name of the effect.

On a side note: some receivers use DSP and they remove the
noise leaving holes where the noise is, it can still be understood.

The understanding is coded only in the phase modulation of the
zero crossings. That can be easily proved with a hard limited
voice signal. That sounds awful, but still transfers the information.
(RF clipper completely cranked up, delivers practically constant

73, Gerhard
I mean, I tell the believer apart from the believe. I may be rude against the believe if I find it to be bs. But I respect the believer, as it's a person.
Does that make you feel like a considerate person? When you tell someone their strong belief is BS you are also telling them their judgment is BS. And that's the bottom line in these debates...someone has to concede that their judgment leaves something to be desired. People don't like conceding that.
Does that make you feel like a considerate person? When you tell someone their strong belief is BS you are also telling them their judgment is BS. And that's the bottom line in these debates...someone has to concede that their judgment leaves something to be desired. People don't like conceding that.

I accept my fault. But judgement can change to better if you believe the other one is a perfectly normal person who can learn and evolve. It's more difficult if you think and say he or she has low IQ.

And, come on, the quantum purifier concept is bs!
I accept my fault. But judgement can change to better if you believe the other one is a perfectly normal person who can learn and evolve. It's more difficult if you think and say he or she has low IQ.
Very true. You have to "woo to fight woo". I just made that up. Ok, it's rubbish. :p

And, come on, the quantum purifier concept is bs!
Come back Uri Geller, all is forgiven.
We all have the standard five senses.
We also have extra senses, the problem is that we are told in day one of school that we have only five.
Dowsing is understanding and practicing the extra skills, just like audio professionals enhancing their auditory sensing.
Ever notice that the steel of your grandfathers pliers feels different to the steel of modern pliers ?....that's one form of dowsing called hand dowsing.
Ever notice that you feel comfortable/energised or sleep well in one spot but feel anxious/drained or sleep badly in a different place ?...that's 'earth energies' or different spectrums radiated according to underground mineralisations exciting those elements in the body.
Dowsing is just using the extra senses.


Started reading some Carlos Castaneda this morning.
He discusses strong and sick spots, similar to what you mention.
Shamanism looks like its going to be an interesting read.
Ever notice that the steel of your grandfathers pliers feels different to the steel of modern pliers ?
Ever notice that you feel comfortable/energised or sleep well in one spot but feel anxious/drained or sleep badly in a different place ?
...that's 'earth energies' or different spectrums radiated according to underground mineralisations exciting those elements in the body.
I don't think so. Evidence?


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This was private property, he didn't log on it.
If it was a water table, as you say, why didn't one of the holes ten feet , and 15 feet deeper, hit it?

I'm not desperate to believe. I already saw the results.

You seem desperate to prove something you don't understand, does not exist.

You, by the way, are assigning magical powers to him, by asserting that since he logged within 12 miles of our new cabin, he would just know where to dig a well and find water.

OK let's step back. There are at least 3* possibilities here
1. He was lucky
2. He knows the area very well so subconsciously has a feel for where the water is
3. He can divine for water.

Of these the ability to divine is the least likely given that, even when offered $1M no one could prove an ability. I know which seems most likely to me. You prefer to accept a different possibility.

*It also possible the the Geologist friend got some duff data so was missing the obvious. This is not unknown.
Most definitely not, I have friends off the charts that firmly believe in the >100 kHz hearing stuff.

Yeah, this isn't necessarily a smarts thing. Plenty plenty of otherwise brilliant people have all kinds of cockamamie thoughts running through their head. Smart people may be able to better rationalize or make irrationalalities seem logical through clever argument.

When you start digging into it, finding one's own illogical tendencies is pretty easy and quite humbling.
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