Funniest snake oil theories

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Oil, who said Oil ........ :)

Oil paint? Pollock often used house paint, in those days it was probably oil and full of lead to boot. For the record I think Ed Harris is a very underappriciated actor and he did a great job on this film, my comment was more along the lines of capturing Pollock's personal demons it's not like Ed had to paint on screen.
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Bybee Technologies filtering technology and a crystal technology that makes air molecules more compliant. The results are a power source that is unsurpassed on the market. It truly makes the listening area 3 dimensional, increasing the sonics and staging like no other device.
I think this is why I like audio forums so much. The rhetoric that people use to describe the miraculous improvement that the latest speaker cable provides reminds me of devotees talking about abstract expressionism.

My paintings are 90% lead paint.
I think this is why I like audio forums so much. The rhetoric that people use to describe the miraculous improvement that the latest speaker cable provides reminds me of devotees talking about abstract expressionism.

My paintings are 90% lead paint.

Art is an even worse analogy to audio than cars or food. Art relates to music not the reproduction of it IMNSHO of course. I worry when someone gets a little too aggitated over Rothko, Duchamp, Pollock, David Smith, etc. There's Albert Ayler, Coltrane, Hendrix, Messiaen, Xenaxis, etc.
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Your work is very good BTW

Thank you.

Natural Pigments also has some quality items that at times seem cheaper than Kremer.

While I buy more stuff from Kremer, I love Natural Pigments. Their founder, George O'Hanlon is my Nelson Pass. He revived the ancient "stack process" for making lead pigment so modern painters could attempt to mimic the old masters.

Talk about vaulted rhetoric, you should hear us talk about the qualities of paint. ;)
I might invent some rubber devices that are moulded and fit behind your ear, between the back of the lobe and the head, to absorb any unwanted reasonabces in the ear lobes, and then make some $$ of some fools ;)

Remember that plastic-cup-thing sold years ago to fit on the ear? It made sounds louder, like cupping your hand around the ear. They claimed it made music sound better. I think it was advertised in some audio magazine for a while.
On the topic of art, has anyone here seen the movie "Tim's Vermeer"? Amazing film. This guy wanted to prove a theory about Vermeer's work, so built a reproduction of the master's studio, filled it with items identical to those in a painting that is owned by the queen, and proceeded to paint a Vermeer even though he is not a painter.
Hard to believe, much as I want to...

I'm hooked.

Speaker Bullets = $5,500.00
Interconnect Bullets = $2,195.00
Holographic Power Source = $5,495.00
Total = $13,190.00

My first step into Hi-Fi.

Marketing tip: drop "Bullets".

Made by using an open "E" strummed across always cool Gretch Humbucker pick ups like John Fogarty's, now chilled to Bose-Einstein Condensate levels, the open E sonic air modulations inducing tiny vortexes in a secret resistor's crystalline substrate, magically transmogrifying it into magnetic monopoles, these able to realign electron particle-stream-waves so as to only pass along pleasant sounds.
Of course, the new monopoles are impractically heavy without the application of antigravitons, newly malleable with the use of Higgs particle manipulations.
So of course , the high price is quite justified.
And still cheaper than 100 year old brandy.
Wait- some or all of these unsubstantiated claims is/are not true.
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