Funniest snake oil theories

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To so blindingly ignore the complexeties of the brains interpretation of the ears is to me just unimaginable? To trust our ears is just dumb. We have really bad ears. A dog on the other hand, now a dig has good ears, a bat, wow, a bat has amazing ears. But not us. Our ears are rubbish!

They work at a different frequency ranges, but other than that are just as rubbish as ours.

They probably appear to work better, because those animals make better use of their perceptions. That is, because they set their entire brains to the task of listening instead of wondering how to make what they hear more pleasing.
Your brain is going 150mph but the best audio systems can only do 80mph.
The problem is, I have experienced a system going at 150mph, but the vast majority only do 80 - once you've been there you can't pretend it didn't happen, just to please some "experts". That's the point of mentioning the system in the link - yes, it took a lot of money, but they got it over the hurdle of achieving convincing sound, demonstrating, yet again, what's possible - a 150mph system. Note the key ingredients: playing grubby ol' CDs, happy to play any music that a visitor brought along, esoteric or whatever - it ... just ... did ... the ... job ...

Edit: If I only achieved satisfying sound once, and never again, I could be convinced that I'm "Predictably Irrational" - however, I've been able to recreate the essence of the experience at will, whenever I've been motivated enough to push things. Therefore, what anyone else thinks about it is pretty irrelevant, really ...
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On a typical dynamic speaker driver, there is a steep peak of resistance , followed by a gradually rising resistance to the frequency limits of the driver's upper range.So if relatively higher impedance is accompanied with a steady output level, doesn't this mean the driver is adding a resonance to its input signal?
Shouldn't a well designed driver have a flat impedance to eliminate phase angle distortions , and do away with adding colourations with the added resonances?
Never received an answer besides , "those things are unavoidable, and therefore unimportant ".
But I do find an electrically and physically phase coherent speaker is easier on the ears.
Anyone else wonder about this stuff?

The steady output oth is only achieved on axis. Drivers start beaming with rising frequency. So, with rising f, on axis output might not change, but total output will decrease. This is not related to the driver adding resonances to the input signal.

The rising impedance of a driver is caused by inductance and can be remedied by fighting flux modulation in the pole piece through a shortening ring. Better drivers typically employ this trick.
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( ... sound of Mission Impossible theme faintly reverberates in the distance ...)

My own, at various times, when I've put enough effort into optimising the environment - not a 100% stable situation, which is a reflection of the fact that there are so many factors that have to be "just right", it's been a long learning process to try and get on top of all of these, to be able to guarantee success every time.
Are we talking live Orchestra, live rock band, what hall are they playing in, how good is the PA, do I have man flu that day etc.
All of the above ... when it happens full strength, for the first time, you certainly know about it; and from then on you learn to recognise the signs that the system is getting close to the quality necessary, various markers in what you hear tell you where you're at ...
Hey Marce, How many holes in Blackburn Lancashire (sorry couldn't help myself)

Plenty, here is an alphanumeric list:
a**e- 1
Black- none, we aren't advanced enough for physics at this level.
coal- nearly every house
fox- a local village
hell- see below
Key- what we can use to unlock our understanding of real physics
loop- what we are always trying to find
Pot- 1,000,000,000+
S**t- Pretty much describes Blackburn
All of the above ... when it happens full strength, for the first time, you certainly know about it; and from then on you learn to recognise the signs that the system is getting close to the quality necessary, various markers in what you hear tell you where you're at ...

Apart from the crowd, the atmosphere, the beer etc. Just you and the missis sat on the couch.
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