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FS: Vintage drivers- SEAS, JBL, Jensen, Bozak, etc

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Various vintage drivers FS:

1- Bozak B-209B 6" metal-cone midrange $35

2- Bozak B200Y tweeters- dented but work fine- $25 for the pair

1- KLH 22 8" woofer- $20

1- JBL LE20-1 tweeter $50

1- Gold Sound GS1044 DVC 10": subwoofer driver $35

1- Coral 4" full-range driver (looks like clone of Fostex FE103, pretty much) $10

1- Jensen P15Q (1957) 15"- all-original, works perfectly $35.00

2- SEAS 25F-EWR 10" (from B&O S75) 4 ohm $50 for the pair (Look just like Dynaco A25 woofers, just 4 ohms)

2- Martin-Logan 8" woofers from Aerius $50 for the pair.

Shipping is additional to any drivers. PM or email (gwaters@inbox.com) me with your address for a shipping quote (usually FedEx ground).

Located in Marietta GA.

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