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FS: S&B Transformers TX102 - Pair

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FS: S&B Transformers TX102 -New Price
I am offering for sale a pair of Preamp transformer attenuators for a fair price of 400U$ (new lower Price, May 2016). They are used but in perfect working condition. These exceptional TVC are no longer offer to the public. Not sure what version it is, it has 19 steps, and dual primaries for 0db & +6db gain. I'll include the original S&B interconnect diagram. Take note that the sale is for the pair of transformers only, not the complete preamp as shown on the picture.

I'm the second owner of these transformers, and some wires were extended to fit my preamp. I used 2% Ag solder and 7N OCC copper with teflon skin for the few extension. That's probably better than what S&B originaly used.

Price is fair, and firm. Shipping cost at the buyer expense + PayPal fee
Thanks for looking


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