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Fs:non Over Sampling Dac Ad1865n-k Full Populated

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This PCB look seem to same as AN DAC 2.1x but I can't find I/V transformer so I used only I/V resistor instead of I/V transformer, from 4 PCBs of original I modified to 1 piece completed board

Includes :
1.Digital board (groud shield) cs8414 + ad1865n-k
2.Digital & analog supply board
3.Tube output board 6X4 RCA + 2 Pcs of 6922 Phillips JAN
4.High voltage regulated supply board (adjustable)
5.Hovland 0.47uF coupling cap

I have only 1 completed PCB of prototype
I ask for 350 USD included power transformer but exclude chassis

Paypal accept



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