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FS: LspCad 6 professional

I have also a LspCAD 6.5 Pro with USB dongle. The CD has been lost, but I had a copy of the installation files on hard disk. I don't use it and will let it go if anyone is interested. LspCAD 5.25 is also embedded into it.

350USD for the installation files via email and hardware lock (USB) shipped worldwide. Anyhow, I don't know if there are still some people wanting to use LspCAD which was so time-consuming while today we can simply use VituixCAD which is a freeware and is much easier to use.
Thanks for the offer. Sorry I should have closed this out as I bought a used copy-mostly for the crossover emulation (and curiosity and nostalgia). Kimmo explicitly said he did not plan to include the emulation feature.
I suppose VituixCAD has rendered both LspCAD and SoundEasy superfluous.