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FS: Ian's FIFO Stack

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Seeing how I can't leave well enough alone, I've reconfigured my DAC's again and I have a FIFO stack I can let go of. This includes:

* I2S FIFO Board (current firmware)
* Dual XO Clock board
* FIFO Isolator Board
* Cystek 45.x & 49.x Oscillators (mounted on adaptors)

You'll need the connectors of your choice (U.FL or wire terminal). The other bits that Ian included have been absorbed for other projects/stock so this will be for the stack above.

It's in pristine shape - just came out of the DAC. I'm only selling the entire stack together, so please don't ask me to break it up.

I know many of you missed out on this GB, and a new one hasn't been scheduled. Rather than letting it sit in my parts bin - thought I'd pass it on.

$250 + shipping (with insurance) + any paypal fees.
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