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FS: Eminence Woofers

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I bought these back in 2009 when they were made available. Please see the thread for me information on the drivers. I have had them in a closet and rediscovered them. Since I have not put them into service I have decided it is time for them to go. http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/swap-meet/156666-50-12-custom-eminence-woofers-sale.html

I paid $35 each plus shipping. I would like to get $70 plus shipping. I would prefer a USPS money order but I can do paypal if you cover the fees associated with it. Each woofer in the box weighs 16lbs. The only real shipping outlet I have near by is the local post office but I can probably do UPS if it is cheaper. See the photo below. I opened one box and left the other sealed.
I am interested in the woofers if you still have them. I am in Iowa, I would need them shipped to 51560. They would probably be cheaper to ship if you could tape them together and ship as one package. PM me the cost and lets see if I can take them off your hands.

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