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FS: Caddock MM125/MM152 mil-spec film resistor packs

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I thought I'd have used more of these at this point, but I tend to just mess with capacitors during my occasional re-builds of S.S. gear, and I haven't found much use for these superb Caddocks. They came from satellite-building surplus, and were born around 1981. I have several values from the MM125 and MM152 series. Matching is 0.5%, power rating is 0.25W/0.4W, and TC is 50ppm. Leads are beautifully gold-plated. The packs I'm selling are all NOS and full at 10 resistors each. Some packs were opened for counting and some are still completely sealed by Scotch tape (inner plastic is still stapled shut regardless). They also come in special Caddock packaging (plus certification).


Pricing is $7.50/pack plus actual shipping (PM for estimate). I can't quite believe Mouser's price of $42 for its last MM125 resistor, but I think what I'm asking is reasonable (feel free to PM offer if you disagree!).

One ten-pack each of the following values:

MM125 series

MM152 series
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