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FS Aleph Parts

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I have the following for sale, all items are unused:

2 1000VA toroids (240v primary and 35v secondaries)
Aleph 2/4 boards (2 main and 4 fet)
Full Set of Matched Fets (24 IRFP240, 6 IRF9610)
30 ROE 15,000 uf 50v caps
8 Nichion 10,000uf 50v caps
10 ultrafast diodes + 4 ZTX450s

Will post internationally, from Australia. Was going to make an Aleph 4 but due to commitments wont be able to do this for some time...

$750 AUS


You will have to add 35% for custom...So I don't know will this pay off for you...
I belive that shiping would cost you something like 70-100$ for large package like this ( transform, capacitors )...

But who knows...
bacworth said:

I have the following for sale, all items are unused:

Full Set of Matched Fets (24 IRFP240, 6 IRF9610)
30 ROE 15,000 uf 50v caps
8 Nichion 10,000uf 50v caps
10 ultrafast diodes + 4 ZTX450s


I have toroids and PCBs. What price is for Full Set of Matched Fets (24 IRFP240, 6 IRF9610) and what for 30 ROE 15,000 uf 50v caps? And shipping? Have you Pic of ROE?

Best Regards, Nenad!
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