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FS: 2A3, Dynaudio, ADS, SEAS, Sprague

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2A3 starter parts kit:
2@ Electro-Harmonix 2A3, used for about 1 year
2@ JJ Tesla ECC99 dual triodes, used for about 1 year
2@ ceramic sockets for 2A3
2@ ceramic sockets for ECC99
6@ 13k, 1%, 1W resistors
2@ Beckman 25 ohm, 25 turn pots
1 @ Hammond 166S2 txr (2.5VCT, 10A) never used
I can include schematics of many circuits I tried

6@ 35,000uf/25VDC Sprague Powerlytic model 36D, $4 each

2@ Focal 8N401DBE 8" dual voice coil speakers
Neoflex cone
Neoprene suspension
fs 30.9 hz, Qts 0.33, Vas 84.1 liters, pwr 65W, eff 91 db
will include Focal datasheets
$10 for the pair

~20@ Beckman Instruments Model 7246 potentiometer
great for setting the hum balance on 2.5V heaters
25 ohm, 25 turn
2/$5, free if they don't measure well

ADS 315i component car speakers
5" paper cone woofer with cast frame
1" tweeter
small dent on wire grille of one of the woofers
$7.50 with original box

Dynaudio Twynn speaker pair
MTM configuration
4@ 17W75ext
2@ D260
LEAP designed crossover
Madisound oak veneer tower cabinets, water discoloration on bottom 1" of one cabinet
$375 for the pair, have the original shipping boxes for the drivers and the cabinets
local pickup or I'll have to see if UPS will ship them, or will part out the drivers with the crossovers for $350

Shipping will be USPS and shipping cost will be the estimated shipping cost, estimated with a Pelouz shipping scale and the USPS shipping rates. I pack very well and the estimate is usually within one dollar. Sometime high, sometimes low.
kjunom said:
2A3 starter parts kit:
2@ Electro-Harmonix 2A3, used for about 1 year
2@ JJ Tesla ECC99 dual triodes, used for about 1 year
2@ ceramic sockets for 2A3
2@ ceramic sockets for ECC99
6@ 13k, 1%, 1W resistors
2@ Beckman 25 ohm, 25 turn pots
1 @ Hammond 166S2 txr (2.5VCT, 10A) never used
I can include schematics of many circuits I tried

6@ 35,000uf/25VDC Sprague Powerlytic model 36D, $4 each

2@ Focal 8N401DBE 8" dual voice coil speakers
Neoflex cone
Neoprene suspension
fs 30.9 hz, Qts 0.33, Vas 84.1 liters, pwr 65W, eff 91 db
will include Focal datasheets
$10 for the pair


I am interested in the above.


The 2A3 kit, capacitors and the SEAS speakers shipped safely and are no longer available.

A correction on the pots. They are about 10 turn. I was assuming the marking on the pots meant 25 turns, but only about 8-10 turns does it.

Also, if anyone is interested, I have a pair of Crown M-600 amps (yeah, 92 lbs @ w/dual input power transformers) for local pickup.
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