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Is this "friendly" in red gonna stay up for much longer?
Whose idea was it?
What about the 10min editing limit?
With all these rules, regulations, moderators slapping each other's *** for the job well done...I am starting to get a 'summer camp' feeling about this site.
Hi Grataku,

It was my idea.

No its not going to stay and neither is my present stupid title, its a light hearted joke and a way for me to laugh at myself.

The editing limit will be set to whatever you guys want it to be set.

This site will be whatever you want it to be. Ask and you shall recieve, dude.
You've been around long enough that you remember the "good old days" where anything went. Yeah, the golden days of yore. We'll dodder around on our canes and talk about the way things used to be. All these young whipper-snappers acting like they own the place! Huh! Why back in '00 when this place started off, you could pitch your tent anywhere you wanted. Now they went and built a McDonalds right where I used to stand naked and bark at the moon.
But a funny thing happened, man.
People showed up. Lots and lots of them. There are as many people logged on tonight--right this singular minute--as we used to have total membership. When you get that many people barking, it gets kinda raucous. Not to mention the problems with where to put all the clothing that people dropped when they saw the moon.
Someone will doubtless correct me on the particulars, but the first car wreck on record occurred in Chicago(?) between the only two cars in town. There were no traffic laws and both drivers simply assumed that they had the right-of-way. Crunch. Doesn't take many incidents like that before someone says, okay that side of the street is yours, and this side's mine, so as not to have another wreck. Being kinda a bend-the-rules guy myself, it chafes to have to stick to one side of the street. But we've got to figure out some way to keep people from stepping on too many toes. (Yes, I know I'm mangling metaphors. I hereby invoke poetic license.) Some of it's bound to happen anyway, but the idea is to keep it to a minimum.
The "friendly" thing? Gallows humor. We've got to laugh to keep from crying. If you lose your sense of humor, the bad guy won. If you weren't here the other glad. It wasn't pretty.
If you've got any constructive ideas, we'd love to hear 'em.

couple site suggestions

you could offer up some webspace for individuals to post their respective DIY projects for those who can afford the effort.

you could incorperate a chat function into the site, a real-time help almost, when ever i am on i see that audiofreak, super are on, and i know that they can help with any of my problems, it would be much easier and faster if a simple chat code could be put into place.

a review forum?

a music forum? we must remember the reason we are all here.

If you ever need help with web design, graphic design, i have some expertise, just give me a yell, i would be really interested in trying out a new logo, is there anywhere i can email a couple of attempts?

Once a member hits 200 posts, they should attain their own profile section, describing projects, kit, musical taste, etc, it would only take a few hundred kilobytes per member, and would allow new members to decern who is trying to achieve similar goals to them, and see what kit gets their job done, a 2watt A class amp is useless for someone into limp bizkit and linkin park, u know where im heading.
Thanks Griff for your constructive comments! Please email any logo suggestions to me at, that would be great. I am not a graphic designer, but pretty proud of my attempt nonetheless 😉 Send 'em in!

Plans for future (next month or so)

- <a href="">Wikki</a> to create a FAQ, standard articles etc, editable by elders.

- User upload space where people can easily upload their projects, documents, etc. Web space isn't really a problem at all.

- Much improved links system

I am happy to open new forums but in my experience (I have been involved in running forums on and off for 5 years now, this is my neglected baby though) it's better to have a little chaos and cross pollentation that to have too much order and dead areas. The 'Everything Else' forum is a mess I agree, and I welcome suggestions for ways to fix it. We can have subforums too.

AF: You will just have to put up with my inane humour for the next day or so till I get it out of my system. I am accept that I am in denial that my attempts at humour make the odd person laugh.
AF: Please keep private in jokes with me to email or just cut and paste to the forum so everyone knows what is going on 🙂 (AF was referring to me saying the other day that I planned on changing my title like changing underpants, but without knowing that information I imagine most people would not...really...understand what he was talking about)

I refuse to take myself seriously!
Jason said:
You will just have to put up with my inane humour for the next day or so till I get it out of my system. I am accept that I am in denial that my attempts at humour make the odd person laugh.
Don't ever change, buddy.
And I figure if someone doesn't like summer camps they can always go jump in the lake.😀
Originally posted by griff

you could offer up some webspace for individuals to post their respective DIY projects for those who can afford the effort.

good but dangerous idea. Pix URLs posted should do fine. Methinks, anyone feeling the inner urge to upload pixes from DIY projects (be it triggered by crusading mentality 🙂, urge to teach, pride of the own success and seeking acknowledgement for it, what ever, and I feel guilty in advance for any of those items) shoulf also provide webspace for it. Have you any idea how this pix posting can get out of control?? 🙂 I have over 30 MB of pixes on my own webspace becuase I dunno which to keep and uploading is such a pain.

Methinks, we should not burden Jason with having to provide THAT extent of webspace.

you could incorperate a chat function into the site, a real-time help almost, when ever i am on i see that audiofreak, super are on, and i know that they can help with any of my problems, it would be much easier and faster if a simple chat code could be put into place.

Great idea!

a review forum?

maybe for DIY kits? newbie guide which kit to choose? good idea!

a music forum? we must remember the reason we are all here.

Great! Gorgeous idea! HowlHowl, that's why we are here! AFAIC, this forum would not be a ghost town! 🙂

And there would another forum I would like to see (although I'm afraid I will not get much response on that): a forum dedicated to turntables and tonearms.

Once a member hits 200 posts, they should attain their own profile section, describing projects, kit, musical taste, etc, it would only take a few hundred kilobytes per member, and would allow new members to decern who is trying to achieve similar goals to them, and see what kit gets their job done, a 2watt A class amp is useless for someone into limp bizkit and linkin park, u know where im heading.

Objection: anyone or noone ! 🙁

And limited pix space, please. I vote for "anyone"; I for instance would be terribly interested to see AllenWright's, hifidaddy's, SemperFi's, AKSA's, Guido Tent's, ultranalog's, Paul Butterfield's profile, to learn about their audio philosophy, preferred music, professional occupation etc. I went across them on the web and although none of them posted much here, their competence AFA their center of knowledge is concerned is out of question to an extent that some of the Elders could learn from them, IMO .
Some of them are sleeper/lurkerson this forum and the profile could help to get them awake 🙂
I in any case would fill my profile as such profiles make it easier to find fellow minds and common interests.

BTW, I have observed this feature on another forum; few members took the effort to use it, which I regretted as I looked into the profile to learn more about a poster...

Another BTW, if this is too hard to implement, anyone of us can have his own webpage nowadays and anyone having his website announced in his profile has a button on bottom of any of his posts so that access to the posters own website is immediate. Gorgeous feature. 🙂
The moment this stops being fun, everyone should quit - life is too short. Many have so much passion about this that we can be too serious - and a quick injection of humor, even bad, can remind us that this is our hobby, not brain surgery.

And I am pumped about the Wikki. Guess I will have to pound out some messages so I can reach that respected level. While I have no allusions that I might be qualifed to teach, I did volunteer to help keep it organized. One of the first areas of building the Wikki should a "style" area to help the contributers decide how to make it happen.
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