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Free (Newcastle NSW AU) - TG9FD10-04 bookshelf speakers

Time to get rid of another speaker. I always wanted to try the Vifa TG9FD10-04 and since the price dropped to next to nothing I threw together a speaker at the end of 2018. Built from 12mm marine ply and MDF back and finished with matt polyurethane. Had about 5 hours of use.

Vb=3 litres, F3<70Hz, 140mm W x 210mm H x 168mm D

Nothing fancy about the build and the sonics is well, what you expect from a fullrange with it's benefits and short comings. Can't handle much power, maybe 5W-10W so best used for a computer speaker or small bedroom. The bottom end has a hump to make it sound a bit more balanced and active BSC can help.

Pick up only and will leave it up for 1 week before I pull it apart and scrap.


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